Hi @DanielS
Any update on adding aliases to the webmail client. Is this at least added to the roadmap?
Hi @d_j, welcome to the forum and thanks for your post. I've checked and it is not on the roadmap at present. May I ask what scenario would you like to use the alias?
Hi @JohnC2
Thank you for your reply and welcome. I have multiple domains that I forward email to my BT inbox and would like to send out emails with those addresses.
I was doing this for years before BT took this feature away after the migration from Yahoo Mail. It's a real pain that BT didn't retain this feature.
I've been procrastinating trying to find a suitable alternative and wanted to check if there was any hope that BT would finally bring it back. Ideally I'd like a web client that can handle aliases so I only need to configure this once.
My domain provider offers a basic web client which is poor or paid for exchange and both don't offer aliases. Gmail does but I don't like the interface.
Thanks @d_j for asking the question and @JohnC2 for responding.
I am in a very similar position with multiple domains which all forwarded to my BTYahoo mail, from which I could respond with any of the corresponding alias addresses - that worked extremely well for a good 20 years.
Now I've had to forward some to my Office 365 email system and others to a new Yahoo mail account, while having to retain my BTmail system. None work as well as the original BTYahoo mail. Outlook also had difficulties, Gmail was a possibility, but I too am uncomfortable with Gmail's characteristics. I also have a University email address and it's impossible to keep up to date on all those systems without missing some emails.
It would be wonderful to see this facility reinstated in BTmail.
Hi @d_j and @MikeJ2, the email team has explained to me that btinternet.com is really designed as a consumer email platform for customers sending and receiving from a btinternet.com address.
You may be better suited on a business email platform and as you know some clients do support the use of aliases.