Message 11 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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Initially I thought it had solved the problem, but it was only one times when I get good WiFi. This morning I ran the btwholesale test and if did not even load, and when it eventually did it showed this53FC7437-5970-496C-97E6-D198977F839C.png

which is not acceptable. Any other ideas?  I also tried my iPhone hotspot and got 25mbs a few seconds later.


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Message 12 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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Retest your speed again and immediately redo the quiet line test (dial 17070 option 2) if it's still low.

What else can you tell us, for example are you on an overhead or underground feed, does wind or rain make it worse and anything else you think may be worth mentioning

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Message 13 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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The nature of this problem is that it's 50:50 with good speeds half the time. No pattern, no changes down to wind, sun, rain etc. I will do as you suggest next time it's poor.
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Message 14 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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Had to wait for some signal.

went down again, ran the wholesale test and it pinged at 2150, with 0 Mbs upload and download.

Did the quiet line test and it was quiet.

Now, the test shows (see image) very frustrating5E9E4243-1BDA-46D4-853A-F3801D625AFE.jpeg


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Message 15 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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Call it clutching at straws if you wish but, you mention that the drop-wire, phone socket and router have all been changed but you don't say if you're using an external filter or a filtered socket or whether the RJ11 lead from the phone socket to the router was changed.

What type of socket are you using (see link) and did you use a new RJ11 lead?



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Message 16 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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Clutch away at straws please. New socket is single hole, so no filters required. All cables renewed/replaced.

To give you an idea of the variance I used a speed tester which keeps the history. Ignore the high reading 4th from bottom - that's my iPad hot spot!

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Message 17 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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can you clarify which master your have

Keith_Beddoe_0-1577035081757.jpegMaster socket types.jpeg

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Message 18 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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Very sorry. I was trying to correct my last post and lost all signal and my phone was flat. We have type 7 with the two sockets,  ot one as I mistakenly posted. I've now changed the cable from the socket to the router again with another new one. Still booting up while I'm typeing this using my hotspot

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Message 19 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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Router now flashing purple, not blue
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Message 20 of 41

Re: SH2 WiFi unreliable

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Oops, connection of cable not secure. It's difficult with only one arm. Sorry
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