Message 1 of 2

Second Line

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So I recently came across the link below when browsing the internet.....



Can anyone advise me as to how the installation of the second broadband line is completed?

The current line is situated downstairs in the Living Room, but wondered whether or not it is possible to have the second line installed upstairs in my home office?


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Message 2 of 2

Re: Second Line

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If your existing service is overhead , then it probably makes no difference to the installer where the second line is to be provided ( within reason ) if the existing service is underground, then the external cable is at a fixed point and any new service would have to be wired from where the existing external cable attaches to, or enters the property....if your home office is a considerable distance from this point, and it would take a lot of time to run a cable to that location , the ‘engineer’ may not be to happy to do that amount of work on the type of job they have been given, having said that, BT offering a second line on the basis of making working from easier, you would think that ‘extra’ wiring would be expected , and BT were paying Openreach for the advanced line install and not just a basic install.
If ( for example ) your home office was in a detached ‘shed’ at the bottom of the garden , then I doubt you would get a line installed there under this ‘offer’

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