Message 1 of 3

Smart Hub 2 issue

We upgraded to fibre to home last month with the 900mbps package. Our line speed into the SH2 is testing at about 850mbps but the speed coming out of the SH2 is erratic and has yet (in the 6 weeks since set up) to measure over 350mbps and routinely sits between 24 and 60mbps with occasional peaks to 250-350mbps. Customer services is proving impossible to speak to (the chat service don’t do fibre and the advisors I have got through to say I need to talk to the fibre connection team as they are the only ones who can assist) and I have spent over 90 mins now on hold with no joy. An Openreach engineer (the one who installed the line) has been out but has blamed the SH2 as the line is testing ok. How can I get the SH2 firmware sorted out (the the hub replaced) and my additional complete Wi-fi discs sent out (one is not enough for our home) if I am never able to speak to anyone at BT??

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Smart Hub 2 issue

Here's the FTTP team direct number. 0800 587 4787

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Smart Hub 2 issue

Many thanks. I’ll keep trying.
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