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Message 1 of 13

SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

Hello all, It is with a sense of some frustration that I find myself posting here... I have FTTP 500MB and am being migrated kicking and screaming to Digital Voice... with this in mind, and the fact that I don't want to spend my downtime ITing in absence of proper (read: any) documentation from BT for the Digital Voice settings, I have decided to sling the 'Smart'hub 2 onto my network...


Where most of the devices on my network have neatly separated out into groupings using DCHP reservations (always use this IP address, to use BT's parlance) I have one device stubbornly sticking to the wrong IP... I set the reservation, reboot the device (yeah, I know, is this 1995?), look back, and its still using the original IP given, its now got to the point that even renaming the device  (on the router) has no effect

The address assignment method is DHCP, not static, so the reservation toggle is available, obviously being designed for the wider public, options are somewhat limited, no proper routers have had an issue reserving an IP for this device before, the MAC isn't rotating to anonymise or anything daft like that...

Anyone got any ideas why the router isn't accepting this reservation?



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Message 2 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

stupid question but is it possible the device is currently set with a fixed IP hence why hub cannot change it

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Message 3 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

Thanks for commenting, It is not... if it was, it'd be on the IP I want it on as that's the one the NVR is looking for it on...

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Message 4 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

Personally,if I wanted a particular IP address on a particular device I would set a static address on the device rather than rely on address reservation.

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Message 5 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

Right... and when that's not an option? Nothing wrong with 'relying' on reservations... when the router works properly...

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Message 6 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

I haven't played with it, but I suspect you can't choose what IP address the device uses. The hub will issue an address and always use that rather than you being able to choose the address it reserves. 

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Message 7 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

Ok, works fine for me. Just changed the IP address assigned to the wifi adapter on my laptop, stopped and started the adapter and it is now using the new address I assigned.

I assume you are not trying to use an address outside of the DHCP range of the hub.

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Message 8 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

Ok, what a crock. Just checked and my address has reverted to its previous address.

I'll flag it to the mods but don't hold your breath for the hub team to fix it.

If the hub works as described in message6, the option to set an address shouldn't be available in the gui. If it is available in the gui, it should work.

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Message 9 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

Hi @licquorice, thanks for highlighting this issue. 

@jimbotheitbod we would need an example to go to the hub team to get it investigated so I sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with us. If you would reply back with the info we'll be happy to get it raised to the hub team.



Message 10 of 13

Re: SmartHub 2 DHCP Reservation not working for single device...

@JohnC2 @jimbotheitbod 

Ok, just done some more testing. It appears to be confined to wifi adapters, Ethernet seems ok. Wifi also seems ok when just one band is in operation.

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