Message 1 of 29

True key - expired?


I've been using my included TrueKey for ages. This morning it tells me it's expired, but I still have months left on my BT contract so I don't understand.

I have looked on my BT account for a code to enter but the links just take me round in circles...(and there's nothing on there that says it's expired).

Can you please help me resolve this as I have hundreds of passwords stored which I cannot lose.


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Message 2 of 29

Re: True key - expired?

Hi @roger06 I'm sorry you're getting an expired message on True Key. I'll send you a private message in a moment so you can get in touch and we'll raise this with our BT Virus protect team.

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Message 3 of 29

Re: True key - expired?

Thanks. It's ok on the phone app and perhaps will sort it out if I restart my browser so I just need to be sure I'm still entitled to an account with my BT BB.


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Message 4 of 29

Re: True key - expired?

Have sent you a PM.
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Message 5 of 29

Re: True key - expired?

Ditto myself. My Truekey was fully registered, had over 250 logins stored in it, now says I can't add any more and the account preferences within the IOS app says: Subscription "Free" free logins left:0

How do I fix. I can't paste in the activation code from the BT Security webpage. Don't want to uninstall the app - as it might ask me to verify the device on another device (which I don't have!)



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Message 6 of 29

Re: True key - expired?

Similar problem. I've been using True Key through my BT contract for about 6 months. My contract has a long way to go.  Yesterday it told me my subscription had expired and prompted me to upgrade to premium. It says I am now "Freemium" with 0/15 Logins available.  It's the same on both my desktop and laptop PC (Chrome extension to Windows 10). (I have taken the precaution of exporting my data to a .csv file!) 

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Message 7 of 29

Re: True key - expired?

Hi @mike_rb1 and @adrenalin22 and thanks for posting.

Sorry you're both also having problems with the True Key. I'll look into this for you. I've dropped you both a private message so you can get in touch also.



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Message 8 of 29

Re: True key - expired?

Hello David,


I have the same problem. Can you please help.



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Message 9 of 29

Re: True key - expired?

Hi , I have this same problem with true key , please can you help . Thanks .

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Message 10 of 29

Re: True key - expired?


I reported this a few days ago. I think it's reasonable to assume the problem is at the BT end. Hopefully the Moderators who have replied can get it sorted with the BT virus protect team soon. So far as I can see I haven't lost any existing logins, but can't add new ones. I'm no expert but can offer a couple of tips in the meantime. I tried reinstalling BT Virus Protect. It seemed to work, removing my existing installation and installing the latest version. However, it didn't solve the True Key problem: I'm still "Freemium".  As a precaution, you can save your data, in case True Key does go further and wipe some. Go to the Settings tab (cog wheel symbol), choose App Settings. You can then "Export" all your data to a .csv file (which will open in EXCEL). You should then be able to  "Import" it if need be.   

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