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Message 31 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP


okay can't edit posts, so it is as is.

IIRC it can be edited if done within 1hr. Don't worry about it though.

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Message 32 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

Another update:

I am now back in service (mostly!) with a shiny new Nokia ONT on my wall. 

The engineer who visited to complete my new step one task, normally the outside cabling work, was kind enough to contact someone in his team who activated the ONT. Sure enough, my 300mbps service is back on!

The only remaining issues are that I still have an engineer booked to complete the install. Until this job is complete my TV and Digital Voice services won't work! And because of this outstanding order I cannot order the 900mbps upgrade!

It's all just a waiting game now though I guess.

Message 33 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

How long has it take since losing the original connection to being reconnected?
0 Ratings
Message 34 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

14 days.

0 Ratings
Message 35 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

Hi all.

So here we are, this journey comes to its end.

This morning, at about 0045, my 300mbps jumped to 900mbps. consistently tests over 900, mostly 930, occasionally as much as 1.1Gbps.

The only issue is that my upload seems to have stayed at 50mbps, and not changed to the 115 this package should have.

If that doesn't change in a day or so I'll chase it up.


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Message 36 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

Didn't need to chase anything up.

Up to 120 upload today. Digital voice is back up too. All is good with the world!

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Message 37 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

Great outcome. Glad to hear it can be done with persistence. Hopefully the process here can be explained when describing the issue to BT and make the necessary changes to future proof home connections. 

0 Ratings
Message 38 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

Thats the plan. I hope this thread helps others now.
Message 39 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

Thanks for this thread.

Well done for finally getting the upgrade.

Line stats have shown 1000/220 available on my line for about 18 months.  As soon as just yesterday I phoned BT to ask if I could upgrade to 900Mbps yet.  Always the same "I don't know why, but I can't order that"

What sparked me to call was a couple of Openreach engineers at the end of my garden, where the fibre comes in, there's a cab at the bottom of a telegraph pole.  I asked them about it.  The first engineer asked if I knew if I had ECI or Huawei.  I responded ECI, have had 300Mbps for about 8 years.  That's your problem, he said.  He then said he has the same issue himself, ECI at home and can't upgrade beyond 330/50, and he's an Openreach engineer!

He said he's installed several gigabit connections in the area, on Huawei equipment, but doesn't know any way for me to upgrade.  Contacting Openreach on Twitter is hopeless as they say it's down to the service provider, and when I point out that the service provider can't order it until Openreach change the equipment, contact ceases.

300Mbps isn't so bad (although the 50Mbps upstream could be better!) so I'm not struggling, but I do wish I could find a simpler solution (that doesn't involve weeks of down time) and I'd upgrade immediately.

Funny how hard it is to upgrade to a more expensive service.  Usually companies can't wait to take more money from you! 😉

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Message 40 of 40

Re: Unable to order Fibre 900 - ECI issue? FTTP

I'm still trying!


Spoke to BT again yesterday.

I explained that I've called many times, once every few months, since Sept 2020 when my line first showed it supports 1000/220 speeds.

One of the BT agents colleagues had an idea.  Report to OpenReach that I can't get the speeds that I want, ask them to bring a Huawei ONT and see if they can do the transfer.

I didn't expect it to work.  It didn't!

The OpenReach engineer called me, and I asked him if he knew what the appointment was for.  He replied an issue with my speed.  So I explained the issue, and how long I've been trying.  He said he can't do that.  He said he doesn't even know how to go about changing my circuit from ECI to Nokia (he said it's Nokia)

I explained that new customers can get it.  I also explained that somebody here had managed to do it by cancelling their internet for 14 days, and was then able to order gigabit.

Anyway, he said it's not something he can do, but that he'll phone around and ask.

There's just no official process in place to do this.  It's so damn frustrating.

I guess I'll try again in a few more months..... largely pointless, because I'll know when it's available because OpenReach will have to change my ONT first.

Sorry, just ranting a bit.  Disappointing, but not unexpected.

I've had the BT Connections Team speak to OpenReach, but OpenReach didn't seem to know what they were talking about. 

The OpenReach engineer admitted that it wouldn't take long to do the job, "not long at all" is actually what he said.  But how to get them to do it?  

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