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Message 21 of 28

Re: Do not rely on BT Internet email when travelling

All info is in this thread...

And the IP address here (in Turkey) is

It is not listed in any blacklists.

There is a serious issue with BT email, and yet no-one seems to care.

I have raised an official complaint, but again just get fobbed-off with corporate **bleep** about the email client being the issue - it is not the problem, and I am not the only one having the same problem!

Why can BT just not fix the problem, and stop fobbing people off.

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Message 22 of 28

Re: Do not rely on BT Internet email when travelling

Hi, @eugene7  I'm sorry you have cause to complain, I've checked the IP address you've provided and it is listed on two spam blacklists. 

  Blacklist Reason TTL ResponseTime  


RATS NoPtr was listed  Detail 2100 3  


Spamhaus ZEN was listed  Detail 300 3  


I can see @JohnC2 has asked you to send over your details so we can raise this with our email team to see if anything can be done, but I must advise that it is up to the ISP who owns the IP address you're using to raise this with the various blacklists if they have been listed in error.



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Message 23 of 28

Re: Do not rely on BT Internet email when travelling

When I checked the IP address there were no blacklist entries.

And no other email address I use has any issues.

I am having to allow other hotel guests that use BT email to log-in via my phone as a hotspot.

The issue is with BT, and yet BT continue to ignore the problem.

And this forums is a waste of time, as nothing ever gets actioned, as all that happens is the buck gets passed.

Luckily I do not use BT email as my main email - if I did I would not have any communication while travelling.

Others are not so lucky.

BT, fix the damn issue, and stop avoiding it.

It is NOT a problem with the ISP as NO OTHER emails providers have problems!!!

FFS - this is not a rocket science problem.

Just fix it!

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Message 24 of 28

Re: Do not rely on BT Internet email when travelling

Hi @eugene7 The IP address you've posted is listed on three different Spam checkers that I've entered it into. Our offer to raise this with our email team is still open if you respond to @JohnC2 private message with the information he's requested.



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Message 25 of 28

Re: Do not rely on BT Internet email when travelling


All the required info is within this thread.

This really is not rocket science, and would take a competent engineer no time at all to understand the problem.

It just seems BT have no interest in fixing what is a very obvious issue...

I feel so sorry for people that reply on BT email when travelling, as with the many hotel guests I have had to assis in the past week when trying to sort their travel PLFs.

It is appalling BT do not take this issue seriously.

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Message 26 of 28

Re: Do not rely on BT Internet email when travelling

BT will take it seriously if you do and follow the procedure for contacting the mods so they can raise the problem with the mail team. If you can't be bothered to simply do what is asked, why should BT be bothered.

Not all the information the mods will require is in the thread.

Message 27 of 28

Re: Do not rely on BT Internet email when travelling

BT have all the required information, as I have raised an official complain, as stated previously in this thread, and have discussed the issue at length with their unfortunately useless support team.

They still choose to ignore all the information they have been provided.

Personally, I have now disabled BT email, as it is totally unfit for purpose.

It is others that rely on BT email when travelling that I am extremely sorry for... They will find out for themselves the same issues.

But for me, I have come to the conclusion that no-one with BT gives a damn...

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Message 28 of 28

Re: Do not rely on BT Internet email when travelling

Travelling again, and once again BT email is unusable - all other email accounts I use work perfectly, but not BT email.

Anyone trying to rely on BT email and thinking of travelling - make sure you have an alternative email address available, as you will likely not be able to us BT email...

So appallingly bad that BT cannot manage this better.

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