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Message 1 of 20

Where do i go now with my new contract

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Back in 2019 i started to get broadband dropping about twice a month, has been steadily increasing so in march i complained and so far:

5 appointments and only 1 actually knocked the door.

That technician that did call said there are no problems inside home.

Everytime i check my fault tracker it says engineer visit completed.

Checked my speed back in march and averaging 38mps download and 16 upload.

Have checked it numerous times especially after visits and roughly the same speeds.

I am on fibre2

So 4 technicians on 4 visits have NOT found the problem outside.

My contract is about to run out on 2nd july 

After around 20 phonecalls to BT i get the feeling i am being fobbed off.

I know its a torrid time with this virus but seeing as they have been out 4 times i would have thought they would hve fixed it.

Am i entitled to anything due to my speed being below the gaurenteed 67mps ?

I have had 3 credit payments of £25 put into my account.

Should i move to another provider ?

Any advice would be helpful and anyones experience of this themselves i would like to know.

Thankyou in advance

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Message 2 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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Unless you can move to virgin then all ISPs use the openreach network so you will have the same connection whichever ISP your choose and therefore the same problems if it is line related

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Message 3 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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Thats that question cleared up thankyou
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Message 4 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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If you are willing to do your own "technical support" - a few checks with us, we can probably establish what speed you should be getting.


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Message 5 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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My gaurnteed speed is 67mbs but averaging 38mbs. Have used about 3 speedcheckers and its roughly the same
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Message 6 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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Are you sure your speed is guaranteed at 67Mbs, does your contract email state that or is it because the Average speed for fibre 2 is 67Mbps you think you should be getting 67Mbps?

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Message 7 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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You can check what MAX speed your line can handle via:

You need to input your phone number, and then post back the results.  Remember to remove your number before posting back.

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Message 8 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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Cannot do that as it says 'currently have a fault' or similar.
Two BT assistants on phone told me my speed is gaurenteed 67mbs.
Have now been told after calling again last night that there is a cable fault outside somewhere.
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Message 9 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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Hi @Lloydy1,

Thank you for posting, I'm sorry you've been having a few problems with your connection. To get a better understanding of how the connection is performing please can you post your router stats. If you're unsure how to do so, you can find some more information here -Top Tips to get help on the forum

To get an idea of what speeds your line can support, please can you enter your telephone number on the Broadband availability checker

Please edit out your telephone number before posting any results back on the Community.



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Message 10 of 20

Re: Where do i go now with my new contract

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Telephone Number 0193541**** on Exchange YEOVIL is served by Cabinet 29

Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate (Mbps)Downstream Handback 
Threshold(Mbps)WBC FTTC Availability DateWBC SOGEA Availability DateLeft in JumperHighLowHighLowVDSL Range A (Clean) 8072.7201967AvailableAvailable--VDSL Range B (Impacted) 8070.6201965.3AvailableAvailable--

Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate (Mbps)Downstream Range (Mbps)Availability DateFTTP Install ProcessFTTP on Demand33030--Available--

ADSL ProductsDownstream Line Rate (Mbps)Upstream Line Rate (Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)ADSL Availability DateWBC SOADSL Availability DateLeft in JumperWBC ADSL 2+Up to 6.5--5.5 to 7.5AvailableAvailableYesWBC ADSL2+ Annex MUp to 6.5Up to 15.5 to 7.5AvailableAvailableYesADSL MaxUp to 3.5--2.5 to 7AvailableAvailable--WBC Fixed Rate2----AvailableAvailableYesFixed Rate2----Available----

Observed SpeedsVDSLMax Observed Downstream Speed66.99Max Observed Upstream Speed20Observed Date2019-12-18

Other OfferingsAvailability DateVDSL MulticastAvailableADSL MulticastAvailable

Premise EnvironmentStatusBridge TapNVRI--NTE FacePlate--Last Test Date--

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