Message 1 of 2

Whole home wifi disc

Hi Neil, 


I am having issues also since the firmware update. When I search for WiFi the 4g Homehub come up both for 2.4 and 5GHz but the BT Wholehome wireless network address no longer comes up.

I have done a factory reset on the hub as you suggested to a previous post from Steveee,  but to no avail. I have rebooted my main Wholewhole disc but it just flashes blue without being able to find a BT Wholehome wireless network address.


any solution please? thanks. Kids think end of the world has come as no wi-fi around the house now!



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Message 2 of 2

Re: Whole home wifi disc

Hi @darranphillips welcome to the community and thanks for posting. I've started your own thread as the one you posted on wasn't related to the whole home wifi discs, I hope you don't mind.

In this instance, I'd recommend a factory reset of your whole home wifi discs rather than the Hub by pressing the pinhole on the back of the discs, if that doesn't help follow the Whole home wifi help guidance on this link.  

You can also contact the helpdesk on 0808 100 6116 or email btconnectedhome@bt.com



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