Message 1 of 8

email access

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For the past week I keep getting problems accessing  my email accounts. Sometimes it logs on, but after logging off to access another email address,  I just keep getting a loop going back to the log in page so that I then can't log in to anything. I have tried emptying my cache, using a different browser and even changing my passwords when I do actually manage to log in, but still it keeps going back to the sign on loop if I log off.

I was also able to switch accounts from one email address to another last week, but can no longer do this either.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: email access

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Hi @tigerupert welcome to the community and thanks for posting, I'm really sorry to see you're experiencing issues logging into your BT email. When logging into your email are you using your BT email address details or your Primary BT ID details?

Please can you try using your BT ID and go to email from there and let me know if this causes the login loop?



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Message 3 of 8

Re: email access

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Hi Neil

I tried accessing my emails from loads of different places: normal log on page; my BT ID; from the BT website; a page suggested in a post in the community; different email addresses etc. I also tried shutting down the computer and starting again. I tried resetting passwords ; emptying the history and cache on the browser and even tried a different browser - all with the same result.

When logging on to emails, it would hang for about 5 minutes from about a third of the way in, and though occasionally it would eventually progress to an email address (not always the same one or from the same access point), mostly of the time it would  suddenly loop back to the log on page. 

Today things are better though I've no idea why, and I have been able to access my emails, albeit rather slowly.

However, this isn't the first time over the past couple of weeks this 'looping' action has happened, and I'm also experiencing problems in downloading attachments in emails - I may be able to download a couple first time but if there are more, I usually have to log out and log in again to download the rest, and this is often where the problem starts!

I work on a MAC and have been with BT email for several years now and though not perfect, until the last couple of weeks it has been OK if rather slow at times. I have several business email accounts from which I don't want to lose information, but as I don't know WHY it has suddenly become so unreliable, or even WHY it will suddenly go back to normal, I am afraid that one day it WON'T go back!

It's also worrying that I don't know from one day to the next whether or not I'm going to be able to log in to my emails.

Hoping you can help


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Message 4 of 8

Re: email access

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It is not unkown for BTMail to delete emails and folders and as some posters on this foum have found to their cost that they can not be recovered.

You should use an email client/app to access your email. By doing that you can download all your email and folders and include them in your backup routine, assuming you have one.

I would also suggest that you do not use a domestic email service for business email. If something does go wrong you will get very little assistance.

You should consider getting your own domain with email. You'll find the SLA is far better than any domestic product.

Message 5 of 8

Re: email access

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Hi @tigerupert the problems you are experiencing with webmail shouldn't be happening and I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. We'll be happy to report an issue to our email experts to get this looked into and I'll send you a private message so you can send your details over to the moderation team.

You'll get the private message by clicking on the envelope on the top right of the community.



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Message 6 of 8

Re: email access

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Thanks for your information, but as a 75 year old non tech savvy female artist, I'm not sure what an email client is and certainly I've no idea what would be a good one to use or even HOW to use it!

I also didn't know there were non domestic email services - I've been with BT for about 20 years. For instance what is the SLA? Does it matter that I don't have broadband with BT either? I just pay a monthly fee for their email service.

My business isn't huge and though I do have a website,  I fear I don't use it much as my nephew set it up for me about 15 years ago and it requires lots of hand-coding to add things to it which takes forever! I don't think it has email capabilities either (I've never noticed them anyway).

Any suggestions you may have (other than that I must be very dim!) would be most welcome.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: email access

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I doubt you are "very dim" but to enlighten you regarding what an email client is it is a stand alone program that you can use to access your email account without the need to log onto your BTMail account using a web browser. You may at some time in the past have used Microsoft's Outlook Express.

If you access your email on a mobile phone you will more than likely be using an email client.

SLA means Service Level Agreement. This sets out how quickly an email company will respond to problem if your email stops working and what sort of compensation you will receive should that happen or if your emails were lost.

If you contact the moderator as suggested in his post I sure they will be able to assist you.

Message 8 of 8

Re: email access

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Thank you again for your email it is very helpful and I have contacted the moderator and am getting phone call this morning to hopefully sort out the problem.

I work on an Apple Mac, so don't know if the Microsoft programme will work on that and although yes, I have heard of Outlook Express, I've never used it. I also don't have emails on my phone, I just log on to Safari and then BT if I really need to read something.

Anyway I will look into the email client side of things as it sounds it would be very useful to be able to keep a record, especially of all my business emails.

Thank you again for your help

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