Message 11 of 20

Re: new fibre

Where does the Duct go to, the base of the Pole or a Joint Box?

Also have you used Openreaches approved 54 or 56 Duct, if not they’ll most likely not use it because they would then become liable for its Maintenance/Repair. Also Telecoms Duct now needs to be Grey so it’s identifiable to other Utilities, i.e. Blue for Water, Yellow for Gas, Green for Cable TV, etc.

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Message 12 of 20

Re: new fibre

Yep we put the grey duct in from road to house plus from house to annex 

0 Ratings
Message 13 of 20

Re: new fibre

Can you be more specific please.

To the road as in where it meets the edge of your boundary or does it physically go to the base of the Telephone Pole or to ones of Openreaches Joint Boxes, i.e. the Rectangle lids with two holes in them that say ‘BT’ in the middle.

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Message 14 of 20

Re: new fibre

Also what are you getting from BT, is it FTTP?

If the existing CBT is on top of a Pole and your house is/was previously fed by an Overhead Line then the FTTP SNN’s (Serving Network Nodes) will say this and if you wanted it done via another method you would be liable for any additional construction charges to get the Network to your property.

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Message 15 of 20

Re: new fibre

Yes the duct we put in  goes into rectangle box outside my house that says BT that they put in when they put super fast on our street my neighbour plugs into this on one side but the neighbour on other side gets his overhead 

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Message 16 of 20

Re: new fibre

Ok thx but not sure they’d be any costs as the ground worker put in the duct and rope all the way to the house from rectangle by box in street


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Message 17 of 20

Re: new fibre

Ok thx how do I specify that do I ask them on the day or ring open teach 

0 Ratings
Message 18 of 20

Re: new fibre

If someone working in your property then also excavated the public highway ( footpath ) on your behalf and then broke into a private company’s property ( OR joint box ) that’s quite a lot of illegal behaviour, if the contractor doesn’t have the ‘right’ to work in the highway and certainly should not be smashing into a OR box without OR asking for that work to be done.

As far as your situation , even if the box your contractor illegally broke into has a Fibre CBT , if your current service is overhead, and the telegraph pole also has a CBT , it’s probable that any order you make for FTTP would be ‘mapped’ onto the overhead CBT , not the CBT in the foot way box, and the installer should use the CBT quoted on his or her job pack,  connecting to the CBT in the joint box won’t necessarily work for your address anyway plus messes up the network design, as the ports in the foot way box may already be pre allocated for other addresses

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Message 19 of 20

Re: new fibre

Gave up with this one, what could’ve been one question one reply seems to go on forever. All Yes/No Answers like it’s a Police Interrogation. 

If said work he’s done hasn’t been approved by Openreach nor have they used the Openreach approved Duct, etc then he best hope the Installer is a Contractor.

0 Ratings
Message 20 of 20

Re: new fibre

Thanks for your patience and help! Clearly I’m new to these forums 

We have used BT approved duct and it goes from

my house all the way to the bt box in the street and we have another that goes from the house to the annex



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