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Message 1 of 3

BT Wholehome Discs Ethernet (Only 2 discs will use Ethernet)

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Hi all,

I have read many threads on this forum about configuring the white WHolehome discs to use Ethernet and these have been useful.  However, I still have an issue that I can not resolve.

I have 3 white discs.

Disc 1 - ethernet to Hub - Works fine - always shows as Ethernet.

Discs 2 and 3

I can only ever get one of these two to connect via ethernet the other always falls back to wifi.

It doesn't matter which ethernet cable in my house I plug them into only one will connect via ethernet.

I've tried resetting both discs 2 and 3 many times.  I get different discs utilising ethernet, but never both at the same time.

Any ideas of what to try next - or even point out the blooming obvious that I've missed would be greatly appreciated.


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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT Wholehome Discs Ethernet (Only 2 discs will use Ethernet)

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Network diagram attached...BT.jpg


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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT Wholehome Discs Ethernet (Only 2 discs will use Ethernet) SOLVED

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I've managed to solve this.

Sadly it wasn't anything too technical but mice in my loft.  They had managed to start eating through my cat5 cable coming from my router to a switch that fed the network in other locations in the house.  They hadn't gone right through the cable but it was getting worse over time - until eventually my main PC (Hard wired) lost the internet.

A lot of head-scratching, pulling out wires all over the house finally led me to the problem in the loft.

I've abandoned the cable now and have gone to 1Gbit Ethernet over Power which is working perfectly.  All discs back onto Ethernet 😀

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