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Message 1 of 3

BT baby monitor 6000

Please can I be advised of who to contact regarding a complaint about a baby monitor? 
The original seller is not interested as it is just out of warranty, I have email btvideobaby and rang 08081006554 both said they are technical support and cannot help, advised I ring the complaints number. 

I have rang that number and the first time got given the technical support number, who told me to call them back, so I rang 0330 123 4150 but they again said they cannot deal with baby monitor issues. I’m getting sent I n circles and getting nowhere.

surely I’m not the first to want to speak to someone or raise a complaint about your baby monitor, so please can I be advised of what I am meant to do now? 


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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT baby monitor 6000

Hi @Joeyjo13 welcome to the community, the product support number for our baby monitors is 0808 100 6554. This is the only team with training on these products and I'm sorry they have not helped when you've got in touch. If you're not happy with the response they provide you can ask to speak with their manager in line with our complaints policy. 



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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT baby monitor 6000



Hi Neil, 

I emailed the support desk which is the same people as the number you provided as I want written evidence of the way I am being fobbed off with this matter.

I cannot attach a screenshot but here is response I got


Thank you for contacting the Helpdesk 


We are sorry to hear about the issues your are having , However we are a Technical support team and do not have stock to send out 


The warranty period begins from when you buy the original monitor and does not start again when the original monitor is replaced due to a fault. 


Therefore Amazon are correct in stating your monitor is no longer within warranty


We can only apologise that we are unable to help any further with this matter and that you have been given the incorrect information about this team being able to help with this matter


We can only advise you to contact the BT Complaints team again and advise them of our response as we do not handle complaints on this desk 


Once again we can only apologise for you being advised incorrectly “



so what do I do now? No one is willing to help and I am being caused undue stress and upset because of this. It’s just very frustrating that the customer service in this case has been so bad, I feel fobbed off by everyone I have spoken to

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