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Message 1 of 5

40/10 Speed Capped I want Fibre 1 HELP PLEASE

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I am looking for some help please to upgrade my BB from fibre essentials to fibre 1 as i'd like any extra speed I can. Researching through some posts and getting a better myself a better understanding it looks like my line speed has been capped at 40/10 and therefore the estimate I get when selecting fibre 1 is the same 32-36mb.

I have checked the BT wholsesale website and it says my line should support faster than this?

VDSL Range A (Clean) 
VDSL Range B (Impacted) 



Router stats

Product code:Smart Hub 2

Serial number:+091298+2103019514

Firmware version:v0.30.01.08093-BT

Firmware updated:Thu Dec 9 21:13:02 2021

Board version:R01

GUI version:1.74 12_11_2020

DSL uptime:9 days,15 Hours26 Mins32 Secs

Data rate:9.999 Mbps / 39.999 Mbps

Maximum data rate:11.954 Mbps / 43.374 Mbps

Full Fibre (FTTP) Mode:Off

Noise margin:8.1 / 3.9

Line attenuation:11.6 / 20.2

Signal attenuation:11.6 / 27.5

VLAN id:101

Upstream error control:Off


Is there anyway I can upgrade as when I speak with the chat team they only tell me what I can see on the screen.

I dont mind paying a bit extra as with 3 kids at home even another 10mb would make a difference.


Thanks in advance for any help



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Message 2 of 5

Re: 40/10 Speed Capped I want Fibre 1 HELP PLEASE

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You can try customer options  0800 800 030  but looking at the router stats the max data rate is only 43.37 so you are only looking at a 3Mb gross uplift anyway so the cost may not be worthwhile.

Message 3 of 5

Re: 40/10 Speed Capped I want Fibre 1 HELP PLEASE

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looking at you hub stats I agree with @conrad  you would not see much difference in connection speed with attainable at 43mb and noise margin already lower than normal at 3.9db. 

save your money

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Message 4 of 5

Re: 40/10 Speed Capped I want Fibre 1 HELP PLEASE

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Agree, total waste of money. Difference in speed would be totally unnoticeable.

Message 5 of 5

Re: 40/10 Speed Capped I want Fibre 1 HELP PLEASE

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Thank you all. I was hoping it might have been a bit more of an uplift than 3mb. 

I am a complete novice at understanding this hence I thought I'd ask the experts.

Will have to look into 5g broadband next as unfortunately FTTP is not available in my area.

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