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Message 11 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

Only 9 months?

You got a while to go yet before this shower move, believe me!  It's disgraceful this nonsense, and they really want to get their act together.

Openreach are the main fault, but they are BT's contractor, and they seem to have the 'monopoly' over them, like they do with all else.

They move (or don't) at their own pace, and you can bleat about it till the cows come home, as it will make little difference in the end 😉

Don't think, because you are racking up 'compensation', that Openreach will give a toss, lol, they just won't.  They will turn up. or not, when THEY see fit, regardless of what you wish, or have been told by BT, so chuck that appointment card out the window 🙂

8 appointments I've had, and not one have turned up, so 8 days wages lost @ (much more), waiting, for nothing, @ 8 x £10 compensation = £80, and no further forward.  (Don't even cover my first bill lol)

I'll leave it there.

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Message 12 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

Just a quick one - haven't had an update yet from the mod team or customer services, but I have had two emails today.

One to tell me that I'm now eligible for Game Pass Ultimate 6 months package.

One to tell me to return my Smart Hub or get charged £50.

No other comms.

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Message 13 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

Returns bag came through the post this morning, I have still had no communication at all to update me on the installation progress but this isn't the most promising sign guys...

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Message 14 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

No, and it will get worse, unfortunately.  Don't expect any communication or updates, as there wont be any.  Coming into 3 months now for me, and I ain't had one yet.  I had to contact them about sending old equipment back, as I couldn't use the new equipment, and still can't, as there is nothing installed to use it with!  They still cut me off though, and left me high and dry with nothing.  They are still continuing to charge me for new service also, with next bill due a week from today 😉

BT don't know what they are doing, Openreach don't know what they are doing, and neither knows what each other is doing.

Don't expect to get anywhere fast, it's a long and painful haul, believe me.

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Message 15 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

I was never expecting 'soon', just hoping to get there eventually! I just find the lack of communication difficult to deal with, I wouldn't mind half as much if I was just kept up to date even a tiny bit. A phone call every 6 to 8 weeks would be really appreciated, even if there hasn't been any progress.

Anyway, current status is that I've checked my BT account to find out my order is gone and my account has been 'cancelled or closed'. I know this isn't the case as someone from BT would definitely have phoned me, so that message and the fact that I received a returns bag in the post must be a technical glitch. Hopefully someone from BT can sort that out.

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Message 16 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

No one is ever going to phone you, nor keep you in the loop lol.  They will also continue to take payment for services they 'think' you have, knowing that, you actually don't have, even when they cut you off completely 🙂

Yeah.  I'm going to the 'press' with this soon, as something needs to be done about this.  I have an 'inch' thick notepad of mishaps, promises that never happen, missed appointments, lies, fobbed off nonsense, and money being needlessly wasted, (compensation galore for all!), and all because they can't be bothered to get off their backsides and actually do anything about it.  I have dates, times, recordings, the lot!, including copies of all posts on here 😉

Openreach are the main culprits here, but BT choose to use them, so they are the ones responsible in my eyes, but no one can deal with them, including BT, according to BT.

Even my little 'Exec Person' is now becoming frustrated with their lack of forthcoming.

You are correct with, 'if only they could keep me updated', and from a Company that prides itself on 'communication', they even fail at that, which is disgraceful.

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Message 17 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

Had a call from a chap from BT earlier today, unfortunately he let me know that Openreach have told them they're not able to provide service to the property so the order has been cancelled. That seems to be the end of it.

I'll see what happens with regards the automatic compensation - obviously this can't be applied as bill credit as I no longer have an account or service that it can be applied to. Is anyone able to let me know if there's anything I need to do to ensure BT process this as a direct payment? I think it's somewhere between £930 and £1030, depending on what is considered a missed appointment.

A disappointing outcome after 9 months, but at least it's over now I suppose.

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Message 18 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

We’re you given any further info ?, because you mention you live in a flat , is it a ground floor flat ?, it’s possible that the excavation required is effectively on private property and permission has not been granted, by the freeholder or building management etc.
As I already indicated , a KCI2 , shouldn’t really be appointed until it’s been confirmed that a way of providing service has been confirmed ( basically to stop the financial penalty if someone given a contractual date but unable to fulfil the order due to something predictable like a congested duct )
Is your flat part of a complex , with a common entry, as these are usually classed as a MDU ( multi dwelling unit ) , your address , possibly incorrectly indicated as a SDU ( single dwelling unit ) at survey ( although they apparently spotted the congested duct )
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Message 19 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

Dreadful, sorry to hear that buddy.

So, Openreach can't be bothered do do the work, and/or, its gonna cost them too much?  Awful!

9 months of hell, 9 months of wasted money, and 9 months waiting for BT to tell you that fact.  Disgraceful.

A product advertised to you as available, has suddenly become 'not available', but it has taken 9 months of pain to yourself, and racked up hundreds in compensation, all because these 2 couldn't get their act together.

Good luck getting that compensation, which, by the way, is only credited to your BT account.  Now, if it were me, I'd be leaving BT (for good), and wanting that compensation credited to my bank account, where it will be of use to me, as if I leave BT, then it isn't 😉  I'd take that one up with the Ombudsman, the details of which you should have already, as it's automatically sent out 2 months after order not completed.  Just got my letter from them last week.

I wish you the best, but what an awful end to this situation, and both BT and Openreach should bow their heads in shame, for treating any customer like this.

I guess I should expect the same somewhere down the line?, which is what I will do from now on.

A customer of 30 years I am, and if they are prepared to lose the likes of that?, then there is nothing anyone can do.


On a positive note.

Got all my bills wiped for this month, so nothing to pay on system, which gives me a breather for another month, until I have to call and do the same procedure next month, but still.

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Message 20 of 29

Re: 9 months waiting for FTTP

Hi @heavywater and thanks for posting.

I'm sorry the order was cancelled. @RobbieMac  is dealing with this and will be in touch later today.



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