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Message 11 of 12

Re: 900mbps full fibre only getting 300mbps

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Quick tip too if anyone gets lagg on there network because of multiple devices get a router with adaptive qos and mino or mimo what ever its called and put your devices in 5ghz wifi channel or 6ghz if wifi 6 and change 5ghz to channel 100 no interution between neighbours wifi and yours also no interution between your own house devices bam I love the new router by the way plug your 3rd party router wan to one of ports on the sh2 router if u have digital voice it should got modem sh2 plug in digital voice and the port 4 on sh2 should be for modem then plug your 3rd party router in the back of sh2 once u do that u have the best stuff and u won't lagg and u can use digital voice and the 3rd party router
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Message 12 of 12

Re: 900mbps full fibre only getting 300mbps

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Thankyou for solving similar issue, I have connected to an Ethernet Cable and now I have gone from 290mbps to 910! Thx
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