I don’t have full fibre but flat upstairs and my neighbours have full fibre on the same postcode just my house doesn’t seem to have fibre, furthermore upstairs fibre cable is a red on my wall getting to the but why my house don’t have fibre yet. How do I correct the btfibre data base
I don’t have full fibre but flat upstairs and my neighbours have full fibre on the same postcode just my house doesn’t seem to have fibre, furthermore upstairs fibre cable is a screwd on my wall getting to the flats why my house don’t have fibre yet. I pay more on dsl and get super low speeds and my neighbours pay less for 10x faster speeds. NEED HELP WHO TO CONTACT
Are you a BT Broadband customer?
put in your details here with your neighbours stating that it’s available to them but not yourself and someone will check the database.
No I use Vodafone but use bt for the connection