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Message 21 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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Just got off the phone with them again, they are simply not interested and are adamant my max speed is 55 Mbps which is what I am getting and there are now no faults on the line. Think I've come to a dead end. To be honest I'm not at all sure what I should be getting and not knowledgeable enough to argue with them to the contrary. 

Would a faulty Home Hub result in these 2 speed figures being different and as a result have a lower connection speed than possible? I've considered buying a 3rd party modem and router for a while for additional features that I would find useful. 

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Message 22 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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Hi @ghtgriffiths Welcome to the community and thanks for the posts, I'm sorry to see you're not happy with your broadband speeds.

I'll be happy to take a look as there does appear to be a little room for improvement and will send you a private message in a moment so you can get in touch with the moderation team.



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Message 23 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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Morning all, 

So bit of an update, BT were in touch over the weekend and informed me that there may be some banding on my line so have initiated a DLM reset to try and iron out the issues which we will revisit by the middle of this week for an update. No action until this morning until about an hour ago when by router reset and after reboot now able to get a faster speed, good news! One thing I have found strange however is that even though the downstream connection rate has increase by over 10Mbps the Max rate being reported by my Homehub has dropped by 7 or 8 Mbps to 69 Mbps, what would be the reason for this? Why would my hub suggest a higher speed last week and now much lower?

It looks like I can achieve the full 20 Mbps upload speed but unfortunately not up to the full 75 or 80 that I was expecting.




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Message 24 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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That's exactly what I would expect to see. Actual and Max about the same with snrm at optimum for an ECI cabinet.

As I said in an earlier post, the max figure was odd previously. The DLM reset has obviously now rationalised speeds.

Message 25 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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Ok thank you. So what you're saying then is that the new max is absolute maximum I can expect to achieve and there's no more I could do to squeeze a bit more out of it? The 75+ figure that the hub was reporting last week was a red herring and I should ignore that? Any idea why it would have reported such an error if the hub stats are usually more accurate than the predictor bt wholesale model?


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Message 26 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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Yes, you are now getting the maximum you can expect to receive.  There was obviously something odd going on with your previous reported max speed figure due to a fault with DLM which has now been rectified with the reset. The previous figure always looked incorrect.

Message 27 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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Ok so the plot thickens, broadband has been fine since Monday morning but as of approx 6.45 this morning, there was a disconnect and when reconnected, connected speed has dropped by 5 Mbps and the max speed has increased back to 76 Mbps again.  No change to noise margin. 

It looks like the DLM has kicked in after 1 disconnect in 2 days but not sure what's going on with the max figure. 

Very frustrating, need to download some big files today for work and the extra speed would have been useful. 


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Message 28 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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There is something wrong with that port in the DSLAM, it needs a port change. I'll ask the mods if they can comment.

Message 29 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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Hi @ghtgriffiths, sorry you're still experiencing an issue with your connection. I've sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with the Mod team and we'll be happy to take a look and see what is going wrong here and get it fixed.



Message 30 of 35

Re: Another Fibre 1/Fibre 2 Query

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Another reset at approx 3.15 this morning and max and connected speed returned to just shy of 70 Mbps. Completely baffled and expect it to disconnect in 2 or 3 days time again and return to the strange speeds of Max in the mid 70s and connect low 60s. BT tried to call on Wednesday but missed their call, thought they may have rung back yesterday but didn't so hoping on today. I need to get this sorted as the lower speed is playing havoc with work. 



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