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Message 31 of 38

Re: BT Fibre 2 Uploadspeed?

Fibre 1 is a 55/10Mb service , that is the maximum it will provide, VDSL  is a rate adaptive system, that means the speed provided is dependent on things like line length / line quality etc ( from the cabinet ) , if your individual line means that 50Mb is the best it can do ( it’s primarily  the distance from the cab that dictates the speed you get ) then arguably Fibre 2 is a little pointless as it doesn’t matter if you purchase the 80Mb or 55Mb profile if the line itself is going to only deliver 50Mb, but obviously you pay you money and takes your choice, most people would decide based on download speed , some may want better uploads.

The ‘estimates’ are just that , if the actual speed is better , that’s great , if the speed is around the estimate , even if it disappoints you , you don’t have any ‘right’ to complain, you are getting what you were told to expect, if the speed is worse than estimate, then your provider should seek to improve things ( once you make them aware of the line not meeting the estimate speed ) , if things cannot be improved, you can leave penalty free.

As already stated , the speed should be broadly similar to the existing Sky speed , but if ( for example ) the Openreach ‘line’ the Sky service is on is ‘perfect’ and the Openreach line the BT service is on is not as good ( but good enough to deliver the estimate speed ) then there could be a difference between them  , but there is no reason to think that is likely, the OR FTTC equipment is identical on the Sky and BT service, the routers the ISP supply may make a small difference

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Message 32 of 38

Re: BT Fibre 2 Uploadspeed?

In the beginning with Sky i was getting 65-70mbps Download pretty constantly, Until out of nowhere it went to 40-50mbps and it's been a nightmare with Sky asking why the random drop. I've had new routers/engineers etc and even the engineer said there was nothing on our end, So i know for a fact that it's capable of the 70mbps. I just don't know if somethings changed?

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Message 33 of 38

Re: BT Fibre 2 Uploadspeed?

You could try posting on the Sky customer forum , if you want to discuss what may or may not be occurring with your Sky service ( obviously its not appropriate to discuss a Sky service on this BT forum ) 

Unfortunately speeds can reduce when there isn’t a fault as such , as more customers take up FTTC it’s possible that an adjacent ‘line’ can cause someone’s sync rate to lessen ( crosstalk ) , that’s why you getting a second service , may impact the existing service , the new service could , simply by its proximity to the existing service, reduce the performance of the Sky service, but it’s not guaranteed to do this, you won’t know until the second service is installed.

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Message 34 of 38

Re: BT Fibre 2 Uploadspeed?

I'm only talking about a Sky service on the BT forum because it ties in with my questions & Sky uses BT lines.

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Message 35 of 38

Re: BT Fibre 2 Uploadspeed?

@Okaydan wrote:

I'm only talking about a Sky service on the BT forum because it ties in with my questions & Sky uses BT lines.

No they don't, Sky use Openreach lines as do BT.

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Message 36 of 38

Re: BT Fibre 2 Uploadspeed?

When ordering this i asked about the lines and explained the situation with sky and they said to me " It's impossible for sky to get faster than us because they use OUR lines", Must've been a miscommunication on my end then.

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Message 37 of 38

Re: BT Fibre 2 Uploadspeed?

BT Retail and Sky both use the same Openreach lines. The agent is under the misapprehension that Openreach is synonymous with BT, it isn't, they are different companies.


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Message 38 of 38

Re: BT Fibre 2 Uploadspeed?

Thank you for that clarification, Was a bit confused because he stated that it's "impossible" for them to give me higher speeds than them because they own the line.


Thanks for clarifying that.

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