Message 21 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

Thanks for your help @iniltous  much appreciated. Upon looking into this as per your advice I do see I slight anomaly and have a theory to what may be happening here.

To protect our address I shall abbreviate:


We own a business which is next to our property:


This is listed correctly on the BT wholesale checker, however on RM the entry varies as follows for the business:


RM entry is correct for the house.

Thinking about this a bit more I believe our business line is what you would call a temporary or 'site connection' (something along those lines?) meaning the connection is restricted somewhat as its not deemed a permanent residential connection.

Now could this mean this has crossed over to our own house address meaning our line speeds are suffering as a result?

Nothing is ever straight forward!


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Message 22 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

Your line speed doesn’t ‘suffer’ as such , but address anomalies can result in a restricted number of products being shown as available.

Say ( for arguments sake ) your address is connected to Openreach in the same way as your neighbours, so the same FTTC products available to them should be available to you , but because of an address anomaly your address only shows some products ( the lower speed ADSL ones ) are available

ISP like BT can’t simply override what the system tells them that’s available, the only options are those that are displayed, and in the same vein, if an engineer came out to install ADSL and queried with you why are you taking slow ADSL when they know FTTC is available in your area , the engineer can’t simply substitute FTTC for ADSL , the majority of the setup is done before the engineer actually turns up , so all they can do is install what’s presented to them on the ‘job sheet’ .

Assuming your property is served overhead ( from a telegraph pole ) you could ‘survey’ the existing route , if you visually ‘trace’ the overhead cable from your home and it converges at some point on a pole that a neighbour property is served from , and they have FTTC available, then you should have it available , but using your phone number shows that anyway ….


Message 23 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

@iniltous thanks

Regarding the physical line I can confirm 100% that the line comes over a road to another pole beside our neighbour. It then splits into their house and the rest continues to 4 other locations:

  1. Our house (note this property is the original house (OLD) - the other houses are conversions or built within the last 30 years)
  2. Our business
  3. Another House (similar speeds to neighbour)
  4. Another House (similar speeds to neighbour)

The more I look into this and explain our situation it really doesn't seem right at all does it?

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Message 24 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

There probably isn’t much to add until you check your router connection statistics, it’s conceivable that you are on FTTC/VDSL  and the line potentially can provide 30-40Mb ( that’s the checker prediction using your phone number ) , but a fault is currently restricting performance to 11Mb , in which case it’s a fault report needed ….FYI , if the DSL checker is giving a return using your phone number then you cannot  yet be on Digital Voice , so the checker should also show an ADSL/VDSL ‘observed speed’ , does it , if it does it show ?
As stated initially, it’s usually the phone number return that’s most accurate ( although that’s diminishing as more ‘lines’ go onto DV , the more likely the address needs to be used )  but as the phone number return shows VDSL speeds then you should be able to order FTTC products, Fibre Essentials, Fibre 1 , Fibre 2 ( although F1 (55Mb ) F2 (80Mb ) are little pointless as speeds greater than high 40’s are unachievable .

What product do you actually purchase from BT , presumably it doesn’t have ‘fibre’ in its name .

0 Ratings
Message 25 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

@RedSquirrel  If you have a Smart Hub 2, it no longers shows the modulation type in terms of ITU G.xxx it just shows 'Connection type' as VDSL or (presumably) ADSL in the Status tab.

connection type.jpg

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Message 26 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address





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Message 27 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

That confirms you have ADSL and not FTTC (VDSL).

I have flagged your problem to the mods to see if they can shed any light. They will post on the thread for further information.

Message 28 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

Thank you!

I have an interesting update. Our neighbours just got their broadband activated today, and I managed to speak with the OpenReach engineer. 

He has confirmed that our line runs straight to the exchange, however, the cabinet between the exchange and our house/neighbour does not have our line routed through it, it has been missed out, unlike our neighbours who are through the cabinet and receive faster speeds!

He said there is certainly ways to improve the speeds if the line was routed via the cabinet, although how we achieve this is the big question? Mods hopefully you can help?

0 Ratings
Message 29 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

I rather suspected this might be the case. I suspect your property is between the exchange and the cabinet and the pairs serving your DP are routed from the E side cable coming from the exchange to the cabinet rather than fed back from the D side of the cabinet.

Not sure what can be done about that depending on the exact arrangements of the pairs.

0 Ratings
Message 30 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

Hi @RedSquirrel,

We can take a look into your line and find out what's happening.

I'll send you a private message where you can reply back to my team through.

Please note, it can take us a few working days before we can get back to you.

