Message 1 of 5

Broadband Speeds

I have BT Fibre with Halo (not+) last week I had trouble streaming Amazon Prime content, checked speed and it resulted in download speeds off less than 8mbps, usually this is around 45-53mbps. I did the usual steps of testing the hub etc.

I have the option of getting a engineer to come to my property to sort this out, fine except I work Mon - Fri  6am - 6pm and they don't do weekend call outs. What are my options. 

I have taken to using my phone as a hotspot but this is eating my data allowance.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Broadband Speeds

Your options are limited, you would appear to have a disconnection of one wire which is the usual cause of a severe drop in speed. If you have an analogue landline, check if you have dialtone. Broadband will work very slowly with one wire but you need both for the phone to work.

You need an engineer visit to resolve.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Broadband Speeds

I don't have a dialling tone but I do remember bt asking if I used landline a while ago and I told them I used mobile phones so they said I could get a reduction on not having a landline, would this stop me having a dialling tone ???

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Broadband Speeds

It doesn't have to be the BT account holder during the engineer visit, someone aged 18 years or older for the full duration of the visit is the requirement.

Any friends, family or other trusted people you can ask ? failing that a days leave from work is the only other option.

Message 5 of 5

Re: Broadband Speeds

Going by previous posts on the forum, the engineer probably won't turn up in any event so I wouldn't use a days leave to wait in for him/her!