Just moved house and my broadband activation date is not for another week. The house move was brought forward hence reason for the lag time.
I have got a Hybrid Connect device but the speed is poor. Got it high up by the window etc.
Is there any way I can appeal or beg for the activation date to be brought forward. Working from home is near impossible.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, @adamd Thanks for posting, in some instances, it's possible to bring activation dates forward. If you give the connections team a call on 0800 783 1401 they'll be able to check.
Thanks for replying Neil.
No joy as it requires a visit to the cabinet and there is no way that can be rescheduled in time.
I wouldn’t mind if Hybrid Connect was reliable but tbh it’s not worth the money.
Thanks again
I see that a problem can be the National stop sell by Openreach (05/09 2023) on the PSTN network which means FTTC is no longer available to new customers. The visit to the cab will be to switch you onto SOGEA which is the FTTC alternative.
Same connection from your POV but without the link to the PSTN.
Perhaps a mod will elaborate? @NeilO
Hi @adamd,
I'm sorry that we couldn't move it forward for you. I take it that your connection date is the 19th. Even if we were to try and ask for a fast tracked, or expedited, visit now there's a good chance the earliest we would get would be the 19th. If you decide that you don't want the Hybrid, let me know and I'll send you a private message so we can remove it once your order for service at your new home completes.
@pippincp if they're moving from FTTC to SOGEA, and had a telephone number, we should be making them fully aware about Digital Voice beforehand. There's a chance here that we are moving them from SOGEA to SOGEA. A lot of the time we don't need an actual visit to the cabinet for this but at times it can be needed.
Thank you
@DanielS Does this mean the PSTN link at the cab will be left in place?