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Message 1 of 7

Device To Record Dropping Connection Coming Into The House

Hi All


Does anyone know if there is a kind of box or something available which can be plugged in between the Socket and SH2 Router to record dropping internet speeds / connection?

We can only get 80mb in our area at the moment, 40mb coming to the house with a guaranteed 25mb. But it keeps dropping for hours down to between 0.1-5mb constantly like a yoyo. Then will go straight back up to 30-40mb, sometimes for a few hours, other times minutes, then back down again. Everytime we use the text assistant to fix the line, the response we have is that its performing well from the junction box to our home. 

We have disconnected all devices, connected a PC direct by Ethernet cable to have the same results as above. In the last year we have had 3 new hubs, new socket to the hub, new cable outside our house on the pavement, with the open reach engineer showing us he registered faults coming into our road, and its actually the cable down the road. But without something to show times, dates, speed drops etc day and night, its a waiting game.

Thanks all.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Device To Record Dropping Connection Coming Into The House

The hub logs will show any and all drops in internet connection but cannot show if the problem is with download speed not connection speed 

When download speed is really bad run btspeedtester and then phone CS 150  as they should be able to see the btspeedtester result


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Message 3 of 7

Re: Device To Record Dropping Connection Coming Into The House

Thanks, Ill have to run that. We use the BT speed tester and take a screenshot and send it over, but by the time they run a test its normally back at over 25mb download, so as far as they are concerned its supplying what they say it can. But within minutes, its back down to jumping between 0.1 and 5mb.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Device To Record Dropping Connection Coming Into The House

If you run btspeedtester when download is poor then don't run it again then BT can see the last time results .

Do you get these download fluctuations all the time of just at peak times? Are you using ethernet and new cable?

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Device To Record Dropping Connection Coming Into The House

Its all the time. As im typing this, google speed tester is jumping between 0.1 and 2mb download with 1.1mb upload. 20mins ago I had 15-20mb download and ill test it again soon. 

We have taken screenshots and sent it off to BT, but they reply with "we have run tests going to the hub and its performing well". Open Reach have on there system the copper cable needs replacing, but cant do anything until they get the say so from BT to carry out the work.

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Device To Record Dropping Connection Coming Into The House

@BigBroGamerUK  I don't know where you are getting your info from but Openreach certainly don't need to seek permission to repair the network from BT.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Device To Record Dropping Connection Coming Into The House

Its from Open Reach. We have been told they know where the fault is down the road between the path outside our house, and the junction box on the main road, but cant do anything until BT confirm to proceed with the work. Currently getting 23.1mb download and 8.1mb upload. It changes all the time.

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