After several months of poor broadband reception and it regularly dropping off completely especially when attempting to run more than 1 device. Quite a few engineers have been out all with different and so far none working solutions. The latest engineer reckons the old copper over head line connection to our property is more than likely the route & cause of the problem. I’m on a social tariff so cost is an issue for me & can’t really afford a full blown upgrade. Are BT obliged to upgrade the overhead feed to a fibre feed to help remedy the poor broadband service for me ? Thank you.
If the engineer believes the wire is the problem (it more than likely is), then he should have replaced it. That's his job.
Any given package is the same cost whether delivered by copper or fibre. Unless fibre is available to you, there is no upgrade path. Put your number in the checker to see what is available. Edit out your number before posting a screenshot. If you have Digital Voice, use the address option.
You should have been given a " Stay Fast Speed Guarantee" when you signed up with BT so your problem may fall into that.
See link
What is BT's Stay Fast Guarantee? | BT Help
BT should and generally will do everything they can to have any problems fixed, however the external wires/cable is the property of Openreach so it will ultimately be up to them how they fix the cable if it is faulty.
There is no requirement for them to "upgrade" you to a fibre connection. They are only obliged to fix your problem and if that means replacing a copper cable with a new copper cable that is what will be done.
Yes the customers contract is with BT not Openreach nobody said otherwise.
BT contract Openreach to do the repairs and that is what Openreach do. BT however do not/can not tell Openreach how to carry out the repairs or what is required to be replaced or repaired in order to effect the repair.
Ta for responding. Ive just put my details in and it states no information for this number. Then states this number doesnt exist or it’s possibly a new number which wont be recognised for at least 24 hours ? Been the same number for years. I think its best if I speak with a person at BT on Saturday.
Do you have digital voice. If so that is the reason your phone number not recognised so use your address insread