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Message 1 of 42

FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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It’s been a frustrating week after having my old 80/20 FTTC replaced with FTTP Fibre 900 and a conversion to ‘digital voice’

Installation was done by Quinn rather than Openreach, and whilst the fibre install was done quickly and the new SH2 setup, I was informed by the Quinn engineer that I’d get full down/up speeds after a couple of days … well I’m getting in excess of 900 down and 20 up! Also my digital voice is only ‘half’ working … I can make outgoing calls which are registered as my landline number but incoming calls just ring at the caller end and nothing at my end … well, unless I plug my old analogue phone into the old copper wall socket where I also seem to have my old number present!

BT today sent out a ‘QUBE’ engineer … who was just expecting to find I hadn’t plugged a phone into the hub. His calls to BT got nowhere other than another appointment for Openreach to come out for some reason!

How can it be so hard to transfer service from copper to fibre, and how can it be that only half a job gets done?

I note from doing a search that the moderators can get the cap on the fibre broadband lifted as it seems to be a firmware cap in the ‘smart’ hub! Not so smart that it can’t tell I’m on a Fibre 900 service!

Any moderator help appreciated as I’m paying for a service that I’m not getting and no one seems to be taking ownership to get it resolved.

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Message 2 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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Just plugged laptop directly into the ONT and am getting 900 down 110 up so this proves it’s a SH2 issue.

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Message 3 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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Leave the SH2 plugged in and it should raise the upload cap withing 72hrs. If not, post back.

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Message 4 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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It’s been well over 72 hours since install … SH2 has been on without a restart.
It seems a common and frustrating issue.

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Message 5 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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As still no improvement after 72hrs +  I have asked mods to help. The mods will post here but after you reply could be 3 or more days before mods get back to you as they reply in order requests for assistance are received

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Message 6 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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Pin reset the router, is should then re-install the latest updates.

Message 7 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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Hi @trapdoor, sorry your upload speed hasn't improved. The quickest way to sort this would be to contact our Technical Helpdesk. Try calling on the 'Message now' option on this page: Fix broadband | BT Help 
The speed test will pick up any error in your profile and ask them to correct it.
Let us know how you get on.




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Message 8 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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Well that was a complete waste of time and an hour of my life on the BT chat service I’ll never get back 😤

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Message 9 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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As you've managed to successfully connect directly to the ONT using PPPOE on a laptop then personally I think its time to use your own router and forget about this all 🙂

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 10 of 42

Re: FTTP Fibre 900 upload capped

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as you tried CS without success I have asked mods to help you  they will post here

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