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Message 1 of 19

Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

Hey all, 

Wondering if I could get some assistance, believe it or not this feels like de ja vu, had issues at my old property and it took 6 weeks for BT/Openreach to get a stable connection of 60-70Mbps, really don't want history to repeat itself.

We've recently moved and already the experience has been awful, activation date came and went no Broadband connection (Purple flashing Hub Lights), we had to wait 4 days for an internal engineer to come out, he confirmed socket and hub were fine and state that Openreach had not connected us to the exchange.

Spoke to BT CS and even though they confirmed numerous times before the order had been completed and closed, to then have them tell me and confirm Openreach had in fact not completed the connection but still closed the order...

Was told to wait another 4 days for earliest Openreach engineer.
Today that engineer arrived, got BB up and running (I was at work, wife was home) 
He'd left by time I got home otherwise I'd have tested before he left.

Got home tested, and we were getting 8Mbps down, 17Mpbs up
Left it a while, tested again, we were getting 32Mbps 16Mbps Up
Just testing again we're getting 4Mbps down 7Mbps up

Whilst I appreciate there's a "levelling out" period, I've never known it to fluctuate this much, we're on Fibre 2, minimum guaranteed speed for 55Mbps, this is far short of even the highest test I've completed.

Wondering if one of you helpful chaps that helped me before, could get in contact again @Matt-S  ?

Will drop router details below

Product code:Hub
Serial number:+091298+1929005478
Firmware version:v0.41.01.10137-BT
Firmware updated:Fri Dec 15 09:06:02 2023
Board version:R01
GUI version:1.79 12_06_2022
DSL uptime:0 days,05 Hours10 Mins57 Secs
Data rate:17.528 Mbps / 43.018 Mbps
Maximum data rate:17.576 Mbps / 51.757 Mbps
Full Fibre (FTTP) Mode:Off
Noise margin:6.0 / 6.2
Line attenuation:8.5 / 9.3
Signal attenuation:8.2 / 10.3
VLAN id:101
Upstream error control:Off
Downstream error control:Off
Data sent / received:1.0 GB Uploaded / 28.0 GB Downloaded

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Message 2 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

Hi Paddyb,

Just asking, is your device connected to the hub via Ethernet or wifi?

Also how old is it?

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

Both mine and my son's PC are connected via Ethernet.
Our PC's are new , if you mean the hub? we've got a Hub2 which is about 5 years old..

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

First things to try would be the test socket in the master socket to rule out any internal issues & a quiet line test, if you have an analogue phone service.

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Message 5 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

can you enter phone number (not if DV) or address and post results to show what is expected of your connection

you can only get as fast as line can handle and at present stats show just 51mb

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Message 6 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

Your current max obtainable of 51Mb is at odds with what you state to be the minimum speed guarantee of 55Mb , your uptime ( on the stats you posted ) is only 5 hours .
What are your router stats now ? ,
0 Ratings
Message 7 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

Hi all thanks for the replies, 
Done a test after coming home from work tonight, will do a few more before end of tonight but it's gone up somewhat, still not the minimum of 55mbps.

Using Digital Phone at back of hub, don't get a dial tone when using phone plugged directly into Master Socket

@imjolly  Get this when I put the phone number in
There is no data available for this number. This could be either because it is not a BT line or it is a new BT number that has just been provided. Most new numbers will appear on the checker 24 hours after BT has installed the line

Product code:

Serial number:+091298+1929005478
Firmware version:v0.41.01.10137-BT
Firmware updated:Fri Dec 15 09:06:02 2023
Board version:R01
GUI version:1.79 12_06_2022
DSL uptime:0 days,15 Hours53 Mins34 Secs
Data rate:17.2 Mbps / 46.604 Mbps
Maximum data rate:17.218 Mbps / 48.597 Mbps
Full Fibre (FTTP) Mode:Off
Noise margin:6.0 / 6.3
Line attenuation:8.5 / 9.4
Signal attenuation:8.2 / 10.3
VLAN id:101
Upstream error control:Off
Downstream error control:Off
Data sent / received:548.9 MB Uploaded / 16.5 GB Downloaded

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

If you are not getting a dialtone at the master socket test port and you are not on DV  , suggests you have a line fault , broadband will work albeit at a reduced rate over 1 leg of the copper pair connected , but ‘regular’ telephony requires both legs of the pair,

it’s odd that the phone number isn’t recognised as that can indicate DV , but you state no dialtone at the SH2 phone port either  ….are you plugged into the same socket that the ‘engineers’ tested your service at ?, and post the checker return using your  address to see what your predicted speed is 

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Message 9 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

@iniltousas the OP has DV there will be no dialtone at the master socket. Does not mean you are wrong re a possible leg down though no way to check.

@paddyb80As @imjolly said to you, if on DV use the address checker to get the info.

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 19

Re: Fibre 2 (55 Mbps Min Guaranteed) - getting 4Mbps

So 80 mbps theoretically achievable?
Also noticed WBC FTTP under featured products, was lead to believe I couldn't get Full Fibre to this property... or am I reading it wrong?  Though, I'd settle a slight improvement on the 40mbps we're currently getting first...



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