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Message 1 of 12

Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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Wondered if anyone has had this issue?

I live in number 15 on a road that house bungalows odd numbers 1-35.

All properties were build in the 50's so no new build or the like

When I search fibre availability numbers 1-13 can order fibre to the premises however numbers 15 onwards are only being offered ultrafast broadband with speed around 30mbps. 

Is this likely to be correct as cant see why half the road could get fibre to premises but other half cant? 

Did see a link on here to message openreach however all I am getting is standard responses Infrastructure solutions customer service saying it will be available in the future but not answering my question on why my next door neighbour can get it but I cant. 

Is there anything else I can do?

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Message 2 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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Are you a BT Broadband Customer?

Message 3 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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Yes I am

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Message 4 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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Check to see what is available

Please edit out your phone number before you post the result, but leave the exchange name and cabinet number showing.

Message 5 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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@Keith_Beddoe On below I have put 3 reports. First one is using my phone number. Second one is mine using my postal address and third one if my next door neighbour using his postal address (I dont know his phone number)

Thank you for the quick and helpful replies by the way 


My Address using phone numberMy Address using phone numberMy address using house numberMy address using house numberNext door neighbour address using house numberNext door neighbour address using house number

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Message 6 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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This may help

It shows which roads are served by FTTP (1Gb).

Message 7 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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@Keith_Beddoe Sorry not sure what I am looking at on that page?

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Message 8 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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Look for your postcode and address, to see if it shows something like this. As it shows the percentage of addresses served by FTTP.

LL18 2LS   Derwen Drive   Rhyl, Clwyd   2,079m   ADSL   ADSL2+   FTTC Available from 31st May 2013, expanded 3rd December 2019   100% area NGA, 66% area up to 1GB, 100% area up to 30MB P17 100%


Message 9 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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Sorry see what you mean now

See below. Says 38%. So is this gospel or could it be wrong as would have assumed that being on same cabinet and next door to someone who can get it I would be able to aswell?


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Message 10 of 12

Re: Fibre to Premises not showing for my house but other in the street

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No, FTTP does not come from the cabinet, its a totally separate network.

Its possible that there is some spare capacity on the fibre splitter, so it may be worth giving the FTTP helpdesk a call  on 0800 587 4787and see what they say.