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Message 21 of 24

Re: Full fibre (2 visit) install

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@iniltous @

My local estate agent has confirmed that lack of an internet connection will certainly devalue my property unfortunately and make it difficult to sell…they didn’t seem to think there was any particular added value/demand for FTTP 🤷‍♀️

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Message 22 of 24

Re: Full fibre (2 visit) install

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That’s a strange argument to make , not having FTTP devalues , but there is no added value with having FTTP , that’s pretty much the same as having FTTP adds value , it is a distinction without a difference , the lack of FTTP wont have devalued  a property , but it may be worth less than the same property with FTTP ,  but its not really devalued, it simply hasn’t  increased in value by the amount that those with  FTTP have.

Its a different argument to feel disadvantaged that someone else with a broadly similar property with FTTP that was provided without them having to contribute towards the install ,has seen an increase  but for you to see a similar increase would have to pay more than them towards getting it , you both gain , it’s just your hypothetical gain is not quite as cost free as theirs ( obviously this is an invented property just for comparison sake ) , but if your property is located in such a position that ECC’s are necessary, and this other ‘similar property’ didn’t have need ECC’s because it’s location wasn’t quite as remote , arguably your more relatively remote location with FTTP no doubt would increase its value more than a more urban one , as it then has the best of everything, all the benefits of the location but without the penalty of slow internet 


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Message 23 of 24

Re: Full fibre (2 visit) install

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The property currently has no internet connection at all. copper or fibre.  due to BT openreach error. (Copper no longer available. Fibre if I pay £5k to fix BT openreach errors)

it is lack of ANY connection,  rather than just lack of FTTP, which impacts the property value negatively



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Message 24 of 24

Re: Full fibre (2 visit) install

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Yes, that’s true , but as I stated on the post you started on your issue  , I cannot understand why ADSL hasn't been offered as a stop gap , if the  port in the FTTC cab became spare for someone else to use  ( albeit an error that made it available  ) then there really isn’t a reason why another port won’t become spare at some point in the future, getting ADSL until that time seems a reasonable way forward , presumably you paying £5k isn’t to put you back in the position you were in , but would improve your position , because instead of FTTC you would have FTTP , although I accept it’s not for others to direct  where you should spend your own money.

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