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Message 11 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

The previous ISP order is cancelled , so isn’t relevant, the OP was advised to use BT so once an order with BT was in the system ,  the BT Mod on here , could raise an ORDI ,  it’s relatively straightforward, 25a doesn’t exist as an address anymore , it’s now 2 separate addresses with 25a as a prefix , 25a first floor flat , and 25a ground floor flat, Royal Mail show 2 flats and not a separate 25a address , OR need to change their address records to show that ( pretty much what ORDI does )  , both flats have the same installation method ( overhead ) from a pole , as stated , a dropwire to a CSP has previously been provided from the earlier cancelled order .

Without  being a BT customer the BT Mod would have no reason to get involved, so the OP is now a BT customer ( in so far that they have an order that’s  ‘in flight’ with BT )  hopefully that BT order , will qualify the OP as a BT customer , so that the BT Mod could at least try and get the address issue corrected.

Message 12 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?


Similar problem was reported here but surprisingly, OR apparently resolved it directly with the customer. Unfortunately though, although they said that they'd contacted OR, they didn't say how. There is a link to a form later in that thread that may help should this installation also fail.


If you receive this tag it would be useful to know exactly who you contacted & how.

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Message 13 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

As Iniltous has said, along with helping me on another forum(much appreciated)

When I ordered internet from a different ISP it was under the 25a address I assume they were looking at the Openreach address.

They ordered Openreach to install the bits needed to get FTTP running for the property, Openreach installed this 3 months or so after my contract with said company, installed that greybox on the front of the property.

When getting into contact with the ISP they then noticed a conflict in my address, when they searched for my actual address it comes up with only being able to have ADSL not FTTP, hence the contract got cancelled. As far as it goes on Royal Mail, 25a doesn't exist anymore, it was split into the 2 flats.

Been coasting on a router using mobile data ever since, there is no hard wired internet contract I am contracted in. After asking for help on the other forum which was wonderful and very enlightening to my plight. I then proceeded to go through with the contract with BT to try sort this out. So I'm only contracted with BT for internet.

There's an engineer coming tomorrow on the 18th to survey external work, router is going to be dispatched on the 24th and Openreach are coming on the 29th. I believe I chose the 25th when I ordered it, so 25th maybe my activation date? Not super sure the tracker doesn't say when it's activated.

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Message 14 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

The OP was also supplied ( via the other forum post ) with a link to the Openreach formwize that’s pretty much a ‘my neighbours can get FTTP why can’t I ‘ , so that also ( assuming the OP filled in the form ) may get the Openreach data corrected .

If the address isn’t changed , and it was the previous ISP ( from the earlier order ) rather than Openreach that decided to cancel , then personally I would simply continue with the address as 25a , receiving an invoice/ billing doubtless  won’t need a postie to deliver the bill with on line billing etc ,  so the only potential problem is if the ground floor flat also orders FTTP and the ISP they use tries to takeover the OP’s service , rather than order second service for 25a , but even that should generate a ‘sorry to see you leave’ notification so the OP would know something is happening and can stop any takeover…but obviously getting the address data corrected is the best option.

Message 15 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

Hi @Hullaboo,

Hopefully everything gets installed for you.

As @iniltous says, we'd need to get the address tidied up with Openreach in case the person on the ground floor tries to get FTTP which could cause an issue with your service down the line. I'll send you a private message so we can look into it. It will take us approximately 5 working days before my team can get back to you directly at this time.

Thank you


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Message 16 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

You may need to get the Royal Mail to update their system with both addresses including the correct UPRN’s for each flat.

I can’t post the links here but if you search “UPRN finder” and “update address Royal Mail” you will find them.

This will then cascade down to the OR system and anyone else who uses the RM database for info.

As for availability with OR, it sounds like only the original address was showing when the build was planned and commissioned and the new details and UPRN’s added afterwards. The fibre enquiry form should go to the correct team to sort this, if not then try messaging Openreach via Facebook or Twitter can help. As it is, it will probably need another port lighting up on the CBT for your neighbour.

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Message 17 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

The Royal Mail entry is correct. 

0 Ratings
Message 18 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

Yep, the Royal mail entry is correct, it's the Openreach wholesale checker thing that's incorrect.

DanielS the moderator has contacted me via PM and we should be going through the process of sorting it all out when they get back to me.

I'll keep the forum updated on my progress of getting this all sorted.

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Message 19 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

Sometimes they are correct on the RM front system, but the details haven’t cascaded down to the address databases that everyone else uses, putting in this request kicks that off.
It’s solved this issue may times in the past.
0 Ratings
Message 20 of 20

Re: Need help with ORDI Openreach data integrity I think?

@tonysmini018  A request for an ORDI will clear it up in a matter of days. The mods here will sort it out.

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