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Message 1 of 13

Not getting guaranteed speed


I upgraded to BT Fibre 100 and the service started 2nd February. I got max speed 149 for 10 days and then it dropped back to 74 and has been like that since then.

I've had 2 visits from an Openreach engineer and the line speed in has been tested and it is fine

I've had a new modem and router and there has been no change.

I've phoned the tech team on many occasions. I've talked to Dublin, Newcastle and Dundee  and they  say they can see there is a problem and they will get it fixed which has resulted in 8 BT texts saying that they have made extra checks on my broadband and I need to confirm that it is working. Well no it's still running at half the download speed. (the upload speed is correct at 30). It's all been very frustrating as I'm just in a constant loop going nowhere.

I'd like to know where I can turn to next short of leaving.



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Message 2 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

Is this FTTP or G.Fast? If G.Fast post the connection stats from the router.

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

Sorry. Forgot to say fttp.



0 Ratings
Message 4 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

If you are on FTTP and the PON light is lit, then you will be connected whatever speed profile you pay for unless it has been incorrectly provisioned , it’s not a rate adaptive service, like VDSL or ADSL where a ‘poor’ line or long line results in a lower that optimal connection, it either works or doesn’t .
How are you testing speed , if it’s WiFi , then that isn’t a accurate test of speed , you need to connect a suitable device via Ethernet
0 Ratings
Message 5 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

Thank you.

The line speed has been checked by myself and the Openreach engineer via ethernet cable and the speed is 74

What is provisioned speed please? 

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

Openreach FTTP is available in various speed profiles to ISP’s , the ISP chose from these , they can call it whatever they want in their marketing, but the underlying bandwidths are,
Up to 40Mbit/s / 10Mbit/s, Up to 55Mbit/s / 10Mbit/s, Up to 80Mbit/s / 20Mbit/s, Up to 110Mbit/s / 15Mbit/s, Up to 115Mbit/s / 20Mbit/s, Up to 160Mbit/s / 30Mbit/s, Up to 220Mbit/s / 20Mbit/s, Up to 220Mbit/s / 30Mbit/s, Up to 330Mbit/s / 30Mbit/s, Up to 330Mbit/s / 50Mbit/s, Up to 550Mbit/s /75Mbit/s, Up to 1000Mbit/s /115Mbit/s
The max speed would be never be measured on a speed test due to overheads , that’s why ( for example) the BT  1Gb service is marketed as 900 , that way you avoid the pedants that would complain , if sold a 1Gb service , that they ‘only’ get 940-960Mb…BT sell this service as 900 and give customers 960 , that should make them happy.

The FTTP connection is at whatever the ISP selects , ( it’s not rate adaptive, it’s at the profile selected ) throughput speed is different , as that can vary , depending on the demand on the PON , the total bandwidth is around 2.4Gb down , 1.2Gb up, shared by up-to 29 others ( 30 in total ) so obviously someone sharing a PON with a couple of intensive users may suffer, that’s why the minimum speed guarantee isn’t the same as the headline speed.


Message 7 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

Thank you for your explanation.

I can see where my contract sits within the openreach range of offers.

However I'm not understanding throughput 

If as you say there are a couple of intensive users, are they intensive 24 hours a day?

My download speed has been lower on than 74 (which half my headline 150) on 2 occasions at around 19.00 in the evening.

The issue is I'm not even getting the mininum guaranteed speed which is 100.


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Message 8 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

The headline speed is what you connect at but can vay on what other users are doing as @iniltous  has told you.

That said, I would not expect you to be that impacted if using a wired conection,  I can if using wireless due to the multiple causes of possible interference.

Give the FTTP team a call and they can test the speed of your line. 0800 587 4787

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

Have you had the same 75 Mb reported from the speed tester with your ‘My BT’ , as third party speed testers are not necessarily a guide to what your connection is delivering , if the speed on that is also below your guaranteed minimum, then you need to (re) report it…TBH, if Openreach have been out and observed the same (poor) speed but ruled out any OR issues , then BT should still have your initial fault report open.

As already mentioned , if your service is correctly configured (150/30) then your sync speed is that, your real world experience isn’t really this sync connection , but the throughput speed, if it is simply congestion, (too many high usage users online when you are online) try testing at a quiet time , early mornings, very late night , that type of thing…if it’s congestion you should get better  (full) speed at quiet times…if it is still slow , it’s possible there is a fault at the headend , ONT or router …swapping the ONT and router should be relatively easy to do….if there were a headend issue , all others on the PON would be getting the same slow speed, ( basically these others are your close and not so close neighbours ) as your connection and theirs, are effectively identical.

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 13

Re: Not getting guaranteed speed

Many thanks.

The speed has been measured by myself and the Openreach engineers and we all agree that it's between 74.1 and 75.6. Latest reading from BT tech team today was 74.56 at 12.06pm.

I've tested at various times of the day and once at 17.21 it measured 22.6 and once at18. 40 it measured 47.6. Otherwise it has been a constant speed. 

Both the router and the ONT have been replaced. I have asked the neighbours and they tell me that they have no problems. 

It's a mystery and one which another engineer is going to investigate tomorrow. I hope they can come up with a solution. 


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