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Message 11 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.

If you are only 58m cable distance from your street cabinet I would expect 80/20mb connection unless there is something terribly wrong with your line as there is no speed throttling.  Can you post your hub/router connection stats to give more details about your current connection speed

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Message 12 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.

If your line is genuinely performing much worse than it once did , whatever the reason for that is , it’s not a deliberate policy or action taken by OR or your ISP , what possible rationale could they have for doing so ?,  there is no reason why an ISP would deliberately limit the sync speed of a line, however DLM ( dynamic line management ) can and does limit ‘speed’ for the sake of stability, if a defect is making the line unstable.

The DSL checker doesn’t indicate that your line is cable of speeds much higher that you currently get , if you used your phone number  in the checker , try again but using the address option , post the results, the distance you are from the cabinet ( if your estimate is correct ) suggests something wrong  , for comparison, I easily get 80/20 , and my cabinet is something like 80-100m away.

As requested a few times , why the reluctance to posting your router stats , that should give an indication of what your lines potential is , as well as what you are actually syncing at.

Getting an ISP to accept a fault or even arrange a visit even if they don’t consider there is any performance issue shouldn’t be as problematic as you apparently are experiencing, but there may well be a point at which you have to accept that if you report an issue , but non is found , then charges for the visit are possible, refusing this possibility will result in no visit being arranged, if you do hit a problem getting an OR visit , AFAIK, there is a broadband speed improvement visit that is chargeable if no issue is detected , or the issue is within your home ( like running a router from an poorly wired extension socket ) but is free if a network defect is found ( and rectified ), you could request one of these.

What’s your goal ? , to leave BT penalty free ?, it wouldn’t matter what ISP you used , the fundamentals would be the same regardless, the FTTC equipment and the line are Openreach supplied and obviously would be the same irrespective of the ISP , there could be a minor difference as far as the router the ISP supply’s  but generally the speed would be pretty much the same if a different ISP were providing your service and not BT , if the line has a defect, that would still be present.

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Message 13 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.

The point is that the infrastructure is not being proactively maintained, contractualy reducing MGS yoy is not managing maintaining the systems just slidinding the service down and covering their bottoms. I do not believe this is a problem unique to BT, but they dont want to open things up to enable industry wide problem identification. 

Big letter advertising 'average rates' and very small letter only what we'll guarantee, fair, open , honest?  OfCommmm , let lone the seller ISPs advertising the MGS in the same size lettering as the generic wonderfull superspeed + 'service'.

Identify something that is not unique to you, but maore than just you then complain to OfCom and get your refference - you amy also wnt to complain to OfCom that they are not being proctive and publising the losses as opposed to just only teh 'gain's of digital britain and the Billions taxpayers are being charged for the 'improvements', Not the the BT employed Mod's will assist with non parochial ISP industry 'practices'.

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Message 14 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.


This thread is a year old. Any reason for resurrecting such an old post

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Message 15 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.

Yes, is there a trend of decreasing  fttc speeds (and MGS) to users, as there is no news on this and nothing from OfCom, and decreasing ISP service  levels that 'we' ought to know about - or is it something that many would like kept quiet / lost under a blanket of shhh don't raise such a consumer point. Increasing costs are one thing but decreasing speeds/service as well!?

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Message 16 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.


You have already stated all this on your own thread

Solved: Re: BT Broadband speeds reducing over time - BT Community

so please stop spamming the boards with the same message.

Message 17 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.

Just looking for answers rather than shutdowns. Others' views on if there is a trend, that may be being 'ignored'. Would be godd to know if there is a trand being as nowhere seems to track the service levels of speeds or MGS's, even by reagions, areas, postcodes etc.  Why not, rather than a downward spiral of information and or open ness.
It would be very good to know if  / or where such information is available even if needs a FOI, dont you think?
Any help will be appreciated.

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Message 18 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.

Your conspiracy theories are total nonsense. See message4 of the thread for an answer.

Repeat, nobody is deliberately throttling anything.

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Message 19 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.

If you can't even get your information about who is covered by FOI Act correct I doubt you will have any chance of getting others onboard about your conspiracy theory.

I'm sure there must be a website out there that will welcome your assertions about  the big evil companies but this forum is not the place.

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Message 20 of 20

Re: Broadband speed is now throttled to 20mbs compared 38mbps to when it was first installed.

@APerson this thread is over a year old now, the OP has been provided with advice and possible explanations as to why their speeds may have decreased and it has been stated there is no policy to deliberately slow connections down over time. BT customers are provided with the best speed their line can carry within the parameters of the profile rate of the package they pay for. 

As you have previously mentioned you are a Talk Talk customer, this community forum is intended for the discussion of issues related to BT products and services. If you have an issue with your service you need to raise this with your own provider. I have locked the thread as the discussion has went off topic.

