I'll give that a try - I've got some new cat8 cables I bought recently so I'll swap one of those in.
In the meantime, I've got another Smart Hub 2; I'm looking to minimise household disruption so I'm going to change the SSID and password to match the existing hub.
I've got it switched on but not connected to the broadband connection. I've been able to change the SSID (added an extra character so there's no clash until I actually swap it in), but it won't let me change the wifi password - it just says "Changes must be saved", though clicking the save button doesn't do anything - it just hangs.
It's the same heiroglyphics from the existing (possibly failing) smart hub 2 so I don't see it being anything to do with the password standards..
Any clues?
Just swapped the cable - now to see if it makes a difference.
It's not only me then!!!
Same here, copper was solid.
I have had 5 hubs and numerous bods from open reach. It's still dropping out.
Also I have had no landline for 4 weeks. It was cut off when fibre was installed, I didn't know this!!!
If you want help from this BT community, it would be best if you started your own thread.
You need to have a fairly modern telephone and plug it into the back of the router but be warned, it only works when your connection is active so is as flaky as the broadband service.