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Message 11 of 11

Re: How is Full Fibre installed in properties with legacy copper?

Well  at least everyone is making me laugh.... Residents have had a whole host of reasons against the 5G proposal. Mine is that we live in a conservation area and although the mast will be about 2 yards outside the conservation area it has to be higher than everything around including all the trees so we will be near an eye sore not a 200 acre wood as it were ( we are top of a hill).

Other neighbours have cited "health risks" and in fact someone about to buy the house next to me called me to let me know they were pulling out and their reason stated to me anyway was health risks from proposed mast - they are a family of Indian UK NHS doctors so I had said to them ask any doctor in the family and they will tell you it is safe but that was not enough to convince them. Others object because  of disruption when it is installed. The lessee of the property where it will be objects to it too. I have not researched it but fear I might be able to hear a hum from it. Currently as no one has heat exchangers yet I can go outside and unless a plane is going by often all I hear in summer is bees and birds. May be the mast will be as silent as a mouse of course....


I accept the point that if we ever get FTTP I perhaps should not get it until there is no choice. I think I just like a lot of information and clarity before I do anything eg I am happier about digital voice now I have had the benefit of the forum so that when that does come to London later in 2023 hopefully it will not be too bad.

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