Every night are speed goes from 40mbs to 5mbs. This been going to for few weeks now. Every single night. Bt not doing a great deal about it. So looks like I'm going bk to sky.
Is it just the throughput speed dropping or the sync speed?
If it’s the throughput I’d imagine it’ll be congestion on the Backhaul. Usually Wholesale are aware of these problems before most customers notice and will start to work on a fix.
Have you checked with BT for any known issues in the area?
Maybe move to an LLU Provider as they use their own Backhaul, not BT Wholesales.
It's very rare for BTWholesale not to be on top of congestion. They normally get it sorted PDQ. I wonder if a mod could look into it for you?
Thanks @pippincp & @Starwire for the guidance here,
@Dawnearl203 Welcome and thanks for your post. Sorry for the slow speeds you're seeing in the evening time. If your connection speed (sync) remains consistent during peak times but the speed you're seeing doing speed tests wired (throughput) is lower then there may potentially be a congestion issue.
The congestion is normally monitored with an estimated fix in place. I can check if that's the case for you. If it turns out that the VLAN you're connected to is over-utilised, I can see about regrading you to one that's less congested (if available) to alleviate the throughput issue.
I have sent you a private message with instructions on how you can send us over your details and we'll look into this for you. See: Private messages
Thanks for dropping in @RobbieMac .