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Message 1 of 14

Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

Hi, I recently moved into a flat that can be served by FTTP. However in the tenancy agreement it was specified that I need to seek permission before installing fixed internet inside the property.

So I sent an email and they said they will NOT provide permission unless I provide:

  1. A specific plan and drawing to show where it will be in our property and the complex, we will not accept a generic instalment guide .
  2. An appointed engineer to oversee and ensure that they do not cause any damage to the property and/or any areas they are working in and that the cables are neatly run to ensure the property remains aesthetically pleasing.
  3. You will need to discuss with the provider about the removal of the installation/router and its cabling when you vacate.

I think all this is unreasonable and obviously I need some sort of internet to work and leisure.

If impossible, what are my alternatives? There is a master socket in the property if it makes any difference.

Also here is the availability checker results:



Thank you!

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Message 2 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

The checker shows that FTTC is available, however, you may not be able to order it if FTTP is available.

The management people are idiots, they will just shoot themselves in the foot if they make it difficult to install FTTP.


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Message 3 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

I'd suggest a conversation with other tenants in the building to ascertain if any already have FTTP. If not there might be scope for a joint representation to obtain blanket permission. If the management company continue to be be obstructive, spend a couple of quid on the Land Registry site & find out who owns the flats & write to them directly as a group.

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Message 4 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

You could also tell them about the rolling stop stell of ADSL and FTTC services and tell them that sooner or later they will have to accept FTTP, when a tenant moves in and transfers their services with them, so they may as well get it over with and have it installed now.

Show them the link below if they need convincing. Also tell them that they could even attract future tenants by advertising that they are "Full Fibre ready!" or something like that. That should perk their ears up a little.

If they still won't budge, then mobile broadband can be a good alternative. You will need to really do your research and wade through their fair usage policies though as to find out which provider has the capacity to provide good speeds all the time. Their speeds can fluctuate far more than fixed line speeds and their data caps can be stringent.

There is also fixed wireless broadband that is available in some parts of the country. They are not mobile broadband as they use their own infrastructure and antennas. I don't know much about this and I can't mention company names, but you might have had advert leaflets from them yourself. 

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Message 5 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

I told them about the stopsell when I send my first email. I think they don't care if it makes the property more attractive because they are not the ones getting the tenants, they just manage the property after a tenant is accepted.
The justification in the email is that in the past for other properties, they had flooding due an engineer drilling a water pipe...

I bet if I was dealing directly with the landlord it would be easier. In any case this is a deal breaker for me so I'll be moving out as soon as I can use the break clause hehehe.

Is there no way of getting something that I can use just the master socket that is already installed in the property? I think in the checker it says I could get VDSL. If all I need is a phone line and a router I could put it without engaging with the company, right?

If not I guess I'll have to go with the mobile broadband unfortunately...
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Message 6 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

As I said in my original reply, FTTC (VDSL) is available but you might not be able to order it. The only way to find out is to try placing an order.


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Message 7 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

It shows that WBC FTTP is available in an MDU, aka block of flats.

Odd they would allow Openreach Permission to overbuild FTTP up to each individual Flat but then make you the Residents jump through hoops to get it installed.

Is there a Breakout Box above your Flat Door, if there is a False Ceiling it may be in there.

If there is one then basically an Installer would run an Invisilight Fibre Cable from there to where you want the ONT. The Invisilight Cable is glued to the wall, usually they’ll follow the route between the wall and ceiling.


Message 8 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

I'm not there at the moment to check, but when I did the check in I remember there having a small storage over the main door where the electric mains supply unit is located.

Are you saying they would run the Fibre from there? Would they still need to drill from outside though?
I'm not entirely sure anybody has full fibre in the building to be honest. Would the landlord be liable if a box was installed outside or they wouldn't do it if they don't have the Wayleave already?

If there is no damage I could go rogue at the risk of getting a S21 in 6 months, which I would be ok with because I don't want to continue the tenancy if I can't get decent internet lol

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Message 9 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

If Openreach has built FTTP inside the MDU already then Wayleaves would’ve been sorted out before it was Built.

You don’t need a Wayleave to provide the Fibre from the Breakout Box to each Individual Flat.

And yes, as the Breakout Box is outside of the flat then they would need to drill through any internal walls.

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Message 10 of 14

Re: Tenancy Management company has requirements for installing fibre. Possible and worth pursuing?

So I went to a ee/bt store and they advised me to order the service and talk to the engineer as they aren’t sure anything requires drilling or not.

I said well I’m pretty sure it will but let’s go ahead with it. It was the 100 mb one.

So they advised me if the engineer says there is drilling I can just let him know it’s not possible, and that I would be able to discuss with him the available options… Worst case scenario I can just cancel everything, but I’m hoping I’d be able to downgrade to FTTC…

Let’s see how it goes…

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