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Message 11 of 12

Re: Why would broadband speed drop every renewal? *Please move, posted in wrong forum, sorry!*

I have been with BT for some 32 years plus - and over 17 at my current address. (and yes more fool me for being loyal) When I first moved here I was on Fibre 2 - and was achieving 72 MB DL - and there was a 46mb dl guarantee (FTTC)...  over the years that guaranteed speed has dropped down - 43, 36, 27 and now I look at renewing it is only 17..!!  - I have had to endure arguments about UGC requiring replacement (which did improve the service a little) - This said I have have had a stable connection with average connection of 36-40 mbps down and 6-7 up.   I am now out of contract - and see that openreach are in our area installing FTTP - and am a sad muppet who rather likes the BT feel - and don't like having to change emails etc... and need a landline - but - I have no way of finding out when BT will be FTTP!  could be this year, or next or... even later - and the added issue is now my partners work is stating we MUST have a minimum of 40down and 10up - which BT cannot promise...  and as we both work from home - this is forcing my hand to consider moving (which is daunting to me as I hate change - a neurological thing I have).   But it is very interesting that over the years the guaranteed speeds have dropped - (I have the evidence through my contracts - which I have kept over the years - and  various emails when resolving poor service) - despite this - over the years - apart from the odd bad customer service operator - which is expected in such a large corp - I have had good service and care.

So - yes - the guaranteed speeds are dropping - and it is likely due to the age of the copper networks and the growing demands on them - and Fibre to Cabinet still being reliant on the old cables to the house which are prone to weather interference - heavy traffic etc.  so not being able to cope with higher speeds.  Also the provider not wanting to fall foul of legislation where they have to compensate if they don't provide what they guarantee.

Also - does any one know where I can 'nail down an accurate timing' for FTTP availability in my area - - otherwise I will be forced to move to alternative providers such as City Fibre (and those using their installations) or Virgin Fibre...  (as I said I struggle with change and Like my email, my included virus package...  etc and having all in one package - rather than having to go through multiple providers - albeit the recent EE merger has cause me stress too.. 😞

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Message 12 of 12

Re: Why would broadband speed drop every renewal? *Please move, posted in wrong forum, sorry!*

Spoken to a couple of wonderfully helpful customer care operatives 🙂 - apparently OpenReach install FTTP in my area in happening at the moment and should be ready in a couple of months.   So hopefully my wife and I can ride that out and move to FTTP in Feb next year - 


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