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Message 1 of 2

Best way to finish contract without paying more

Hi there

My contract period ends on 01/06/2022 and I read that you need to give a month's notice when ending a contract. Can anyone give me some advice on how to end the contract. Do I need to pay for an extra month outside of my contract length to allow for the notice period? Can I notify BT that I want my services to end with the end of my contract now to avoid paying more? 


Any advice appreciated

Many thanks! 


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Message 2 of 2

Re: Best way to finish contract without paying more

You can ring up and give 30 days notice but this will end the service fully, you'll have no phone or broadband and will lose your current phone number, if you ring now 30 days will end on 11/06/2022 so you will pay a small out of discount price from 01/06/2022 until the cease completes.

Alternatively switch to another provider, as them to switch you on 02/06/2022 and you've fulfilled your minimum term and won't pay any early termination fees.

Option 3 is speak to the Loyalty team, see what offers are available to retain you for another 2 years, if you still need phone and/or broadband you can discuss offers.

The number to cancel or renew is 0800 800 150 and ask for the Loyalty team.

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