Message 1 of 2

Coercive Migration of BT sims to EE

Why am I being forced to migrate from Bt is only contract to EE.

I called in to have an issue relating to my BT Tv solved. Before I even go the chance to finish explaining my problem. it was like the agent I was speaking to wasn't listening. all he wanted to ask me(well, tell me or should I say force me) is if he could migrate me to EE.

I repeatedly told him no I don't want to move. That is not why I called. he won't listen, he just kept trying to force me to move, he was even processing it before I said anything and continued after I said no. he never talked about my reason for calling. 

He then got mad and refused to address my issue, just gave an excuse(telling me he couldn't do it, even though I know he could) adjust wanted to get me off the phone if I won't migrate.

Please, is BT moving all its customers to EE; sim, contract or otherwise to EE line(according to the personnel)

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Coercive Migration of BT sims to EE

You shouldn’t be forced to move as you can keep your existing BT Mobile plan, but BT aren’t offering any new mobile plans out so if you ever want to change plans or get a new phone etc you’d only have the option of moving onto EE.
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