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Message 11 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths

Hi everyone!


Are you referring to the most noisy and 24/7 disturbing manhole BT from 39 Lower Stone Street by the Miller Heights building ???


OMG that metallic noise coming from the big lids right on the Street each and every other second when absolutely every car is passing over, lorries, buses... anything with wheels IT'S ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS that no one cares to come and fix lack of empathy for the neighbours of the Custcutter building &Miller Heights building plus across the street.


We've contacted the Council, the Highway Engineer for KCC, awaited for him in person to arrive at that manhole location and he recognised that is a BT Internet hole underneath and the broken lid must be fixed by BT people ( he was here in front of the manhole on 2nd of April 24), was already sprayed by someone and the gentleman was meant to find out by whom and when will be answers or signs of street closure at Night when is less traffic, so they can plan fixing it.


It appears that they forget we're human being that deserves a healthy resting and sleeping on our expensive renting places. I will write to the local Newspapers&BBC  as well, because I have a high risk pregnancy due to Epilepsy, distressed day& night, unable to keep it safe at all.The renting Agency doesn't deal with that, so we can't even move the flat elsewhere, safely...WHO TO CONTAAAAACT ????


I'm getting absolutely exhausted to beg for help and day by day the noise getting worse as traffic is non-stop.



Then give us the right phone number, emails and contacts if you know who actually must be contacted Sir and we won't bother the Community group with our pain!

Message 12 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths


This has nothing to do with BT Retail, or this forum.

You need to complain to Openreach.

This is just a customer to customer help forum, everyone here, including myself, are just customers.



Message 13 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths


We appreciate giving us the break out of the road work but is useless unless this complaint reaches the right eyes/ears.

It's inhumanly to be left surviving in such as stressful environment....that we pay for peace and silence but getting undemanded 24/7 metallic manhole covers noise from BT Company to come and fix it between 39 Lower Stone Street and Miller Heights building.

Please pass by and stop there 5 minutes and try imagining our 24/7 type of disturbance level, especially when our bedrooms are placed towards the street. We're used to the traffic but we never can get used to that scary noises at any point in time, day or night.

Please.... bit of empathy it's required one deserves that 😭

Message 14 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths

As Keith has already explained you need to contact Openreach using the links he supplied. BT do not deal with the network. 

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Message 15 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths

Just to clarify…

As I understand it, many years ago, the infrastructure was owned and operated by BT.  Then OFCOM insisted that the infrastructure be separated from the retail side of the business, as the current arrangement was unfair to the competition.  A lot of old manhole covers will still be marked “BT”, however.  (In fact, the really old ones are marked “GPO” – General Post Office, who originally did the phones.  That’s going back some).

In fact, today the infrastructure is the responsibility of Openreach.  While Openreach and BT are both still technically part of “BT Group”, they are obliged to operate as separate companies.  Your problem is with Openreach.  BT retail, this forum, have no say in the matter and therefore can’t help.

Have you thought about getting the council noise abatement people onboard?  They could probably apply more pressure.

Message 16 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths

Try speaking to Openreach via Twitter @weareopenreach , ask them if the social media team can pass on the details to the correct team to chase up the repair (bare in mind they are a SM team, not planners, engineers or policy makers).

As the others have said, it’s likely waiting on a PTW and a road closure, that’s likely at least a 3 month delay.

Message 17 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths

I appreciate your answer Tony 🙏

I don't ever use Twitter. It's insane to wait @3months for something so so much disturbing to anyone's brain and quality of life. Planning to move out in 7 weeks though as cannot deliver my baby and have this for the upcoming sleepless nights with a freshly born one. Feel terribly sorry for the neighbours that daily are mouning and trying to find a solution, same as myself.

I bet you/anyone cannot live 30 minutes next to my window/bedroom on 39-40Lower Stone Street, Maidstone....will drive you crazy.Not even on Maidstone East Railway Station can hear the train passing/ entering the station as we can endure the repetitive sound all day& night long 😭

Message 18 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths

Yes but zero plan of actions...just spraying it around and carrying on with their peaceful life as they aren't directly distressed themselves. Someone said "@3months waiting time for BT to fix it...FROM THE MOMENT OUR COMPLAINTS REACHING TO THE RIGHT EARS/PEOPLE/TEAM/ currently we aren't counting down....just cry over eachother s shoulders
Message 19 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths

Openreach are not allowed to just rock up, close off a road and repair a noisy lid. They need the appropriate permits from the council/highways authorities to do it. 
Diversions need to be planned and checked with bus companies and emergency services first and put in place. Most councils this has at least a 3 month wait, some even longer in holiday destinations or particularly busy routes.

I get that it’s disturbing but as someone else said, get your local council and MP involved (helps cut through the red tape on their end) and let them get it through.

Message 20 of 35

Re: Manhole cover broken for momths

Did anyone give you a job reference number when you reported it, either on a text message or an email?