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Message 21 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges


I agree. That’s unacceptable. I don’t necessarily mind staying with Halo3+ at the right price, but being unable to cancel an optional extra is mind blowing.

I’m looking forward to hearing how you get on. Best of luck.🤞

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Message 22 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges

@Andrew600 - The Values Team actually stated that the standard FF100 - FF900 deals were more expensive than the Halo 3+ deals. When I asked for the exact prices to compare against a new customer I was told that the option to downgrade wasn't available to me and that there was no way to reduce my costs. BUT......I could get FF900 with Halo 3+ for £68.50 (£1 more) as opposed to £90.99 as a new customer on Halo. £90 are they for real???

The advisor then wanted to move me to EE, but left me waiting for 10mins whilst he checked the prices, only to return and apologise that the system was slow and glitchy. He then said it was the same price on EE, so would I like to move. I asked for further details, but it was all very sketchy. When I mentioned my TV package, he then said that I couldn't was farcical.

In addition, I currently have 700mins as an separate add on, but this is no longer available and when I take out a new contract I either have to go PAYG or pay £18 for unlimited minutes.

The same with TV - within MY BT I have no option to downgrade my out of contract TV package from VIP. When I asked about moving to Entertainment Only, I was told that it was £20 a month and not the £15 for a new customer.

BT have basically got you by the short & curlies and will do as little as possible to reduce costs or retain a customer. Hopefully the Mods on here will be able to assist, but that's like communicating via fax, as the PM's take 2-3 days to get a response. 

Message 23 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges


I’ve struggled to find the right words for this reply. I’m almost speechless. 
Is there small print in a contract somewhere that says Halo is a lifetime commitment? I don’t remember it. I’m sure you don’t either.
I hope you get it sorted one way or another. 
Please keep us updated. I’ll be in your situation in 6 months.



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Message 24 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges

I am Fibre with Halo 1 and with landline on one account which is £77, plus £4 for voicemail and then the call charges - about £25 a month for those.

On my separate account and separate line (same house)( also Fibre with Halo 1 £79 plus £26 a month line rental (plus call charges)

Weird that those 2 accounts both have a landline number and different pricing which I suppose illustrates how personalised the pricing can be.

It does not surprise me they make it hard to reduce the service.  Eg if we get digital voice here in London in the next 2 months as apparently is planned by end of 2023 I bet they won't be helping customers either give up a landline and save that 26 a month if the customer no longer needs it or give clear options to remove the £4 callminder/voicemail even though it is part (free) of digital voice.


This is  a business model loads of customers use - we once had to spend 60 minutes just to get Sky to remove something whereas adding something that costs more for all these companies is always dead easy.

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Message 25 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges

Well, I received an email telling me that my contract ends very soon. They want £87.99 for Full Fibre 900 with Halo, thats £1055/ year.

 I will phone them once contract ends in couple of weeks to downgrade . There is no way I’m prepared to pay this extortionate price. I can’t afford it and I don’t need it anymore.

0 Ratings
Message 26 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges

@Jane2018 - Could you please clarify which package you are on - is it Fibre 1 with Halo 3 or 3+? What speeds are you getting? In addition, do you mind if I ask why you are paying for two accounts at £70+ each?  The prices seem to be extortionate for the packages you are on.

In regards to paying £25 a month for calls, I assume this is either International or PAYG. I pay £9.12 (after 2 inflation rises) for 700mins a month. This has now been scrapped and only PAYG or Unlimited for £18 are now available. BUT.....I was told tonight that existing customers can get Unlimited for £10 a month. Have you enquired about calls?

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Message 27 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges

@Puma937 My package is called Full Fibre 900 Halo 3 with unlimited minutes. Currently paying £73.57, that’s £58.45 broadband and £15.12 phone.

I only have one account.

Unless I get a downgrade, I’m moving after over 45 years with BT.

0 Ratings
Message 28 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges

We're on Full Fibre 900 & unlimited calls, no Halo, & we pay £72.66 per month so an extra 0.91p pm for Halo 3 sounds a good deal to me.

0 Ratings
Message 29 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges

@Dippu - Sorry for the confusion, my response was to @Jane2018 who has 2 accounts.

My current package is Fibre Halo 3+ (73mb) costing £67.50 + £9.12 for 700mins of calls (excluding TV). My upgrade offer for FF900 in MY BT is as below (cheaper than yours). Not a bad deal, but I don't want Halo (Hybrid Connect & Wi-Fi discs). Have you checked your offers in MY BT:-


I called again tonight (Options Team Number) to clarify a few things and once again I was told that I cannot remove HALO to reduce the cost and then get a cheaper speed upgrade - e.g. FF300 is £37.99 for a new customer. Apparently the cost of all non-Halo packages for an existing customer is more expensive than staying with Halo......funny that.

My only option is to pursue the complaint through these community boards and the MOD that reached out. The issue there though, is that they are so busy that it takes 2-3 days to get a response.  The broadband prices ARE similar to new customers, but the other account items are priced higher and confusing. 

An easy example to explain of inconsistent pricing and information is Calls. I pay £9.12 for 700mins, but the 700mins deal has been scrapped. I was told by the MOD that the 700mins would continue as is. The Values Team told me that when I take out a new broadband contract I only have two choices - PAYG £5 or Unlimited Calls £18. Tonight the Options Team told me that as an existing customer, it would be £10 for Unlimited.

You would think as a loyal customer, that the process to stay and take out a new contract with BT would be simple.....but BT's pricing is so all over the place it's a total lottery.

0 Ratings
Message 30 of 39

Re: BT Halo Charges

@Dippu @caravanj 

Check out the BT prices here for more even clarity:- 

Notice the Maximum in Contract price for FF900:- £33.99. Which is £47 less than FF500 ???? 😕

FF900 with Halo 3+ is £93.99 max.


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