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Message 1 of 3

Cancel contract - exit fees???

Hello - I thought I'd write my question here as I have a mental health issue and would really struggle to explain it all on the phone.

Recently I moved house - back to my parents who are BT customers- and notified BT that I was moving so that to cancel my existing Broadband/TV (keeping my mobile phone) service and to upgrade my parents service so that it was the same as my old service.  The call-handler in customer technical service assured me that after talking to his manager that my old services would be cancelled, the new Halo 3 broadband and BT TV would be set up and installed at my parents - and since we were with BT and that I wasn't leaving BT technically-the installation fees and more importantly the exit cancellation fees at my previous address- would be waived. It was understood that at my parent's address there would be one account in my parent's name, not two separate ones. This was the factor that convinced us that we should go ahead with it, so we agreed to the upgrade and extra monthly costs. House move completed, BT Services were installed and work fine.  However I have received a bill yesterday for the service at the previous address which we were told would be cancelled and had gone through!  The shock of this was compounded when I called BT, got transferred to the Legal dept. and was (aggressively) told that if I wanted to cancel the previous contract, I owed BT £975!!!!  

Confused and angry doesn't cover it!! I realise there has been miscommunication here about the exit fees of my previous contract.  According to Legal, there is huge semantics about the phase "you're on the move" stated in the new contract.  she was quick to point out that "you're on the move" specifically meant that the contract was moved to my parents house and not cancelled even though we'd reassured that it would be.

Any help and assistance would be most welcome!! Selina

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Cancel contract - exit fees???

There is nothing that any of the forum members will be able to do to assist you so I have notified the moderators of the forum about your problem. Once they have read this they may be able to help. They are very busy at present so it can take up to 24 hours for them to contact you. They will do this by posting on this thread.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Cancel contract - exit fees???

Hi @selinaq, welcome to the forum and thanks for your post. 

I'm sorry that you were told that you wouldn't incur cancellation charges for your service when you moved in with your parents. Normally on this scenario cancellation charges would apply.

I've sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with the Mod team, and we'll be happy to review your case, and find out what was agreed on the call. 



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