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Message 1 of 4

Charged for ceasing at the end of my contract.

I am really angry with BT, I phoned up to cancel my BT tv as I had got to the end of my contract and didn't watch any of the channels apart from Netflix. I wasn't told about the 30 days notice but its in the T&C so fair enough what has made me angry was my service was cut off the day I phoned and I had to pay another months worth of money for no service, I could not watch any of my recordings and no Netflix and constant messages to return my equipment which I have done.

This wasn't explained to me when I phoned and nothing in the email just what services are stopping, she was more interested in trying to sell me a mobile contract and extending my broadband which as it turned out I did extend as I am happy with BT.

So I am pretty disgusted with BT for cutting me off not telling me I will still have to pay and if I was told I would have kept the TV service for the notice period.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Charged for ceasing at the end of my contract.


what has made me angry was my service was cut off the day I phoned and I had to pay another months worth of money for no service, I could not watch any of my recordings and no Netflix and constant messages to return my equipment which I have done.

You're within your rights to have that month refunded, the guide who placed the cease has not set the stop date in 30 days time, ring up and ask for the months money back.

Message 3 of 4

Re: Charged for ceasing at the end of my contract.

Thanks for your reply.

I did phone and the guide politely told me the 30 days notice was in the T&C's.

I did ask about why I was charged for the 30 days and had no service and I also had to set up payment for Netflix again which she replied I can see that has happened nothing she can do, complaint was opened and closed same day.

What more can I say.

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Charged for ceasing at the end of my contract.

I’d suggest you call again , I cancelled my BTTV , (  way past any tie in period, returned the box etc )  ,I  noticed they charged me a small early termination fee (£6-£7) , as I needed to discuss other matters anyway  , I mentioned this charge , which was refunded without any argument.

Obviously, if it’s 30 days notice to quit  , you should continue to receive the service for those 30 days , and not be cut off immediately at the point you serve those 30 days notice.

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