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Message 1 of 17

Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

I've just renewed my mum's broadband contract by phone and after receiving email confirmation outlining the 'ongoing charges for the order', I'm confused on why it shows line rental saver, when it was withdrawn from sale on 21 July 2023.  I thought it was included now. In the confirmation, I expected to see an outline of what the new charges will be and to mention that any line rental that has been paid to be refunded.

Her current contract ends in a fortnight  (Fibre 2).  She paid approx £219 yearly separate for her line rental saver so this was deducted (-£19.99) from her bill and she paid £2.60 for her Anytime calling package so total monthly payment was £27.50.

The new price will be £28.10, including her Anytime package (I thought that was going too) .

Although it says on the confirmation '... products are charged in advance, so your next bill may not show all the charges for this order. This means if you get your next bill before your new services start, you'll see your new products on the bill after.', I am still unsure.

Could someone clarify please if by this new contract of £28.10, that will include line rental and she doesn't have to pay this separately again.   I think my confusion is because I've been confused over all the changes so I'm not thinking straight.

Email confirmation:

Line Rental Saver -£19.99

My Anytime Calls -£2.60

Broadband Package - £53.49

Special offer discount --£8.00

Total monthly charges - £28.10

Thank  you

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Message 2 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

the monthly charge of £28.10 is  - 53.49+2.60 less 19.99+8.00

often the LRS runs at a different interval and does not renew on same as broadband package - did you check your LRS

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Message 3 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

Thanks for your reply

I realise it's separate but I don't understand why the total is £28.10 which is the price agreed with line rental still mentioned (minus £19.99 still). I expected my new price to not include it as it's no longer a product they offer.   All that was mentioned in the phone call is £28.10 including Anytime calls. Not £53.49 minus anytime (as that's no longer going to be there).  

If the new contract is without line saver because it no longer exists, then why mention  it in my confirmation email.  I realise they need to take into account what has already been paid for this in my next bill though.


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Message 4 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

I think you're completely overthinking this. When does the paid for line rental saver end as it'll stll be getting taken into account & when it ends the 19.99 won't be taken off the bill anymore - i.e the 28.10 would become 48.09

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Message 5 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

Thank you - It ends in February 24 but the agreement was £28.10 TOTAL for a new 24 month contract, not £48.09, when the line rental ends.  I thought broadband and line rental were now combined.  If it was going to be more than £28.10 when the line rental saver ends, surely the agent would have said.  

I thought it was too good to be true that by getting rid of the line rental saver she would be better off.  I just wish BT would make it clear.

Not sure if it makes a difference but getting a new Smart Hub 2 and noticed in my order a phone with Alexis which he didn't mention.   Mum's 82 and gets confused very easy so hope that's pretty straightforward for her.

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Message 6 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

surely it is obvious that when your  LRS ends 2/24 then the £19.99 reduction will no longer apply and you will pay the broadband package price plus calls less the £8 saving

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Message 7 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

Your mum doesn’t have to use the Alexis phone, she can use her existing phone but plugged into the back of the Smart Hub 2 instead of the existing master or extension socket if there are any.

Not applicable
Message 8 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

I expected something like:

£28.10, including line rental and Anytime calls

That's it - the total figure.  To me, the 'package price' is £28.10. No other price was discussed.

Why show the £19.99 deduction, contributing to the total being £28.10 when that will no longer be paid (expected a refund for what has been paid and starting the new contract without it).

Looks like another phone call to BT to clarify all this because what I am understanding from the few responses I've so far received is that when my LRS ends it will increase by to approx £45.

 I don't know by you saying 'package price' whether you mean £28.10 as I understand it, or £53.49 as given in their email.

Thank you for responding.



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Message 9 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

You've paid the line rental component of the package until February 2024 and thus will continue to receive the £19.99 discount until then. From March 2024 you will pay the full package price as LRS will no longer be available. Clearly it will not be £28.10 from March but the full inclusive price of £53.49

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Message 10 of 17

Re: Confusion over renewal & whether line rental saver will still be charged

Thank you - I rang Retentions as I was considering moving her to Plusnet but they offered £28.10 monthly (not £28.10 monthly until the LRS ends). It's very sneaky not to mention that and I can't be the only one who will have lots of issues with this. I'm with Plusnet and pay £31 monthly so when they offered me the deal for mum, I assumed that was what she would pay for the new 2 year contract, otherwise what was the point in ringing up for a deal. I'll ring them and get it sorted.
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