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Message 1 of 4

Digital phone

If my home phone now goes through my broadband and I no longer use a landline, why am I paying for a landline ? Surely this is now just part of the broadband I’m overpaying for ??

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Digital phone

You should be paying about 3UKP per month over your Broadband fee to have digital voice enabled. It's not a lot, but you can decline it, but unless you want to start a new contract and pay an early termination fee, you can only do this when your existing contract is coming to an end.

Personally, I don't get too worried by 3UKP per month!

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Digital phone

Landline: A facility to make & receive calls.

Line Rental: The physical line to your property that carries your broadband.

You are probably conflating the two. You obviously can't have a service without a line, but the Line Rental Saver scheme aside, no broadband customer has paid a separate line line rental  for years, as it's incorporated into the single broadband cost. Even LRS is now ceased.

As for whether a separate charge is warranted for a landline is debatable. Some hear think it's perfectly reasonable. Others, like myself, would point to the fact that for decades, the landline was an intrinsic part of line rental. For me it's all smoke & mirrors that was started by Vodafone when they first started shouting loudly that they would no longer charge broadband customers for line rental. Of course what they meant was that it would simply no longer be a separate item on the bill, the price remained the same.

BT have taken that ball & run with it by claiming you can have cheaper broadband if you don't have a landline. This is of course another lie as broadband prices were never reduced. Instead prices remained the same with a landline fee added on top.

Message 4 of 4

Re: Digital phone

Your bill doesn’t , and hasn’t for many years been separated into two parts line rental and broadband, you pay a fee per month ( or per quarter ) for broadband, just because your telephony ( which is optional you don’t need to take telephony to get broadband ) is IP ( Internet Protocol ) instead of PSTN doesn’t mean you are not getting a ‘landline’ phone service….thats the same when some on FTTP ludicrously ask why they pay for a ‘line’ when they don’t have one .
If you don’t need telephony at all ( so you don’t even have a phone number )  , you can remove it , the saving is around £2 to £5 a month

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