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Message 21 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

"fetching authorisation token" still going strong 16/6/2024

Up until now, My BT has been fine.

However, with monthly charges over £80 for a very basic service, they are starting to looked overpriced for the service they provide.

As this is beginning to look like a known bug, it's a pity that BT can't or won't issue some help when you hit this problem.

Also noticed that setting up an ID for another user isn't working either.

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Message 22 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

Hi @piglet22 & @BarkingMadBarking.

Thanks for taking the time to report this. There was a time when this message appeared but it was fixed for the majority of users from memory.

Can you let me know the steps that you've taken to get to the page that says "authorization token". This includes if you're using a phone or if you're on a desktop/mac etc.

Thank you



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Message 23 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage


I generally use the phone app (Android) to look at My BT.

Steps are fire up the app, log in, navigate to "your mobile allowance, view your usage and allowances"

Broadband, landline and BT mobile listed.

Go to see BT mobile usage, get error message.

Landline usage comes up OK.

Once the token error has come up, the back button doesn't work, so have to log out and start all over again.

App version is 8.50.2 

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Message 24 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

Logged into My Bt on iPhone, iPad and desktop Mac.

in the My Bt app clicked on useage-tells me total calls but when clicking on the calls breakdown it goes to the error screen about  authorisation token.

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Message 25 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

Seems this is both Apple and android issue so more than just an Apple issue.

3 posts all with the same issue but seems on different platforms.
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Message 26 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

Yes, it's particularly frustrating when BT texts you to let you know that you are close to your mobile usage limit, them makes it impossible to view it.

I did manage to see the usage once even with the token error, but I haven't been able to reproduce it.

You know how it is, a problem crops up and you try all sorts of solutions out of frustration and need to see something as important as usage with the threat of £?? extra per Mb if you go over.

As others have mentioned, it could be a good case to take BT to task for not providing the information in the first place.

At least with utilities like gas, electricity and water, you can look at a meter, with BT you have to take them on trust, and right now, that trust has broken down.

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Message 27 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

I'm on Windows 10 with Edge. Edge is configured to reset/cleardown on exit.

Logon to MyBT, Your bills and usage, Your usage and then select "See landline usage" as shown below


Then, get next screen and click on "Minutes used"


Get the pop-up blocked message as shown below.


Now, allow pop ups and refresh (Ctrl-R) the page and this pops-up and disappears and finally the usage is shown.











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Message 28 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

I tried Bt CEO , they say they have never heard of the issue before-clearly not a reader of this forum.


they wanted my email login and for them to lock me out of my email while they looked into MYBT account and this issue-they could not explain satisfactorily why they needed to take control if my email account.

i spoke to the ICO about the issue of them having control of my email- They were not impressed!

CEO’s office wanted me to take the issue of the none complaint to the Ombudsman-how will that resolve the technical issue?!!!!!! Was it a case of “ we can’t be bothered?!”

it is frustrating that we cannot check our call usage or whether we have been compromised on our account until a bill turns up!


frustrated is an understatement-I thought  but BT was better than this.


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Message 29 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

Does this work on Apple phones/ipads/desktops?


shouldn’t BT provide a  a fix.

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Message 30 of 62

Re: Pop up for token authorisation when viewing usage

I've just gone to Windows 10 desktop, in Edge, logged into My BT and navigated to usage.

BT mobile usage now shows usage as a sort of bar chart as it probably always did, and the cursor hovering over the bar changes to the hand cursor, suggesting that there more information to open.

When I click on the bar, expecting to see more detailed breakdown, that's when the "token" error crops up.

Nothing about popup blocked and my Edge is set to start with last open pages.

However, phone app never gets that far.

It did work and something has messed it up. Just more valuable time down the pan.

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