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Message 1 of 13

Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

My current contract Fibre Halo 3 is due to expire and costs £49.35 a month which apparently I can renew for the same price.  However, when you look at Broadband deals there is Full Fibre 100 for £33.99 and as far as I can see there is no compromise on speed.  Furthermore, the first 3 months is free.  

With BT's price promise that an existing customer will never pay more than a new customer I don't understand.

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Message 2 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

the extra cost is due to you having the expensive add-on Halo 3 which is not included the Fibre 100 package

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Message 3 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

I'd suggest ending the Halo 3 package by any means possible. That may mean leaving BT and signing up with another provider. You should be able to get a full-fibre deal for under £30 - do some checking of prices from other providers, if BT don't offer to match it then move.

I'm not against BT as such, they are offering me a reasonable deal, but they don't offer it to all customers equally.

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Message 4 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

My instinct was to drop the Halo so it's good to hear your view. My phone is with them too and like you not against BT. Been a customer for nearly 50 years! Just want the same speed as I have now without being shafted.
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Message 5 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

I also have your current package but my contract expires next May so there will be another price rise next March. I also want that 100 fibre package but from all accounts BT baulk at the notion of downgrading. I too have come to the conclusion that to leave is the better option after 46 years with BT.  The price promise is that no new customer signing up to Halo 3 will pay less, but that is irrelevant as Halo 3, I believe, is not available.

Message 6 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

Thanks Edbostan for replying. Not too concerned about downgrading because the speeds are equivilant without the Halo add-on. As for Halo 3 not being available it seems to be available to me but perhaps that's because I'm an existing customer. All very confusing but guess that's the idea.
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Message 7 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

Where's the thumbs up on the left hand side, can't see it?
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Message 8 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

@MrChristopher  - Fibre Halo 3 for £49.35 is cheap in comparison to the ridiculous £72.83 I'm paying for Halo 3+ (73Mb). 

Downgrading a Halo package to reduce cost or get a speed bump in relation to the price you are paying, is virtually impossible. When you ring retentions you will receive various prices depending on who you speak to, but none will match the new customer deals. You certainly wont get 3 months free as an existing customer.

The only offers you will get will involve a move to EE.

I'm currently in the process of drafting a complaint in regards to being unable to stay with BT (forced move to EE), being unable to remove Halo and being quoted £10-£30 more a month than a new customer.

Message 9 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

@MrChristopher wrote:
Where's the thumbs up on the left hand side, can't see it?

on the left of 'ratings'

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Message 10 of 13

Re: Fibre Halo 3 v Full Fibre 100

"With BT's price promise that an existing customer will never pay more than a new customer I don't understand."

Be aware that BT will make it as difficult as it can (if not impossible) to stop you ending your Halo deal and going for the cheaper Full Fibre 100.
The Halo offer is in my view specifically set up to enable BT to claim that "existing customers will never pay more than new ones". That only applies if the new customers also go for a Halo deal which, of course, most of them don't.
Some years ago, when BT offered me FTTC instead of my original dial up ADSL service, they only offered it as a Halo deal, so that's what I accepted. Little did I know that they would then steadily increase the cost of the Halo deal, while offering new customers the same service without the superfluous Halo bells & whistles for around half the price.
You certainly won't be able to renew to a cheaper non-Halo deal online and if you instead attempt to renew by speaking to one of BT's sales agents, you'll probably be offered an "upgrade" to migrate to EE. This will be just as expensive as your current Halo offer, and probably a bit more.
I would advise that you bite the bullet and accept your offered renewal at the same price that you're currently paying - it's around £10/month less than what I am currently paying.
BT's sales practices now resemble those of a street market!