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Message 1 of 2

Helping parents who are being over-charged

I have recently been made aware that my elderly parents have been paying £83 a month for their broadband.  They are in their 70s, live in a small 2-bedroom terraced house and their usage is very little.  They tried to cancel but BT want to charge them £900 as they are in contract.

Their contract was changed in February, moving to EE, and this was then lowered to £77, which in my opinion is still far too high.   As far as I am aware, they have never received any confirmation emails or letters regarding their contract so the only way I could ascertain what plan they were on was through the app.  Had I know about this I would have advised/helped them sooner.  They are hard of hearing, and have difficulty with calling helplines etc and I feel that they have been exploited. 

I tried to challenge this last week, one customer service rep told me that there was potential mis-selling and I agreed and I was told I would be called back in 3 days, but no call.  I called again and was told by another rep that the charges would stand but someone was looking into it and would call me back in 2 days, no call.

I live 250 miles away from my parents and they are struggling to get through to customer service to add me as an account manage so I can discuss their contract.  Is there anyone that can help?!

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Helping parents who are being over-charged

Hi @Amie_B and thanks for posting.

I'm sorry your parents are having trouble with the account and charges. I'll be happy to take a look at this for you. Please check your inbox for my message and drop me over the details.



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