Only by a chance conversation have I just discovered there's a special tariff for UC claimants, which I have now set up. But why have I only just heard about it? I would have thought that, in this era of corporate responsibility and social awareness, BT would have jumped at the chance to publicise the availability of something that is by no means universal.
A missed opportunity, Marketing?
I am a bit miffed that it's taken I don't know how many renewals for anybody to even mention it, because it's cost me a considerable amount of money, not knowing about it. But, in the end, I'm happy this tariff exists and thank BT for creating it.
But why so coy about it?
Duncan Clee
There is no secret about home essential package andis offered by another ISP not just BT There are numerous posts about home essential package found using search. https://community.bt.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?advanced=false&allow_punctuation=false&q=H...
It is also easily found by simple Google Search
It's not up to BT, the DWP should be mentioning things like these