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Message 1 of 5

Home Essentials - still not activated after 3.5 months

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Hi - could a moderator please help me.  I'm really desperate now for someone to take ownership and help, please.  I've made three phone calls in September/October to customer services, asking to speak to a manager/supervisor, and basically I got fobbed off and the adviser somehow didn't put me through and ending up asking questions etc.  I assume it's a tactic they use, get the customer to start chatting etc, so eventually the customer will think they are getting help and forget to ask for the manager. 

The issue and complaint I have is that I signed up to Home Essentials mid August, and my activation date was meant to be on 19 August.  The date has changed now 5-6 times, and I have no idea why.  The latest update now is that it's still showing as the BB set up is still waiting to complete, but this message has been the same throughout.  The service activation might have happened yesterday as that date is now listed on the order details, whereas before the date would keep changing for a new activation date.  A further new entry however says Parallel Phone Service for 7 Dec.   

I cannot believe it would take this long to change my package over.  I'm still paying the higher out of contract price because the adviser said the price won't change over to the Home Essentials price until the order is complete.  

I had an email about possible compensation, and I asked the adviser about this, and he had the cheek to say to me that I still have BB/a telephone line i.e. I'm not without service, but that is really not the point here.  If I have signed up to something and it's not delivered, then there should be compensation. I told the adviser that the compensation guidelines on BT's site say there is late activation and loss of service, and clearly mine is late activation.  I have also been told that because the date has not been confirmed to me, I would not be eligible.  Again, this has vexed me.  I asked the adviser what exactly is a confirmed date according to him, when all my messages and the information via the track order section say the activation date.  I told him it doesn't say possible activation or this date is to be confirmed, it clearly says the date.   Every text message I have received says 'your digital voice service WILL BE up and running by 23.59 tomorrow....'.  Note, the words 'will be' are used, not might be, etc.  Therefore, this means it's confirmed.  The first email I received clearly says the contract AND service activation starts on 19 August, therefore this is a confirmed date.  Surely BT has to accept some liability here for late activation.  

I also mentioned that my  BB speed is slower since August and he said because my new service hasn't started/activated, I can't get any compensation regarding this.  But the reason it's slower is due to BT's incompetence here, so why should I experience speeds less than what the speed promise is.


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Message 2 of 5

Re: Home Essentials - still not activated after 3.5 months

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Hi @wizziest_ocean

Thank you for your post and welcome back!

I am sorry for the problems you're having moving over to Home Essentials.  I appreciate the amount of time you have spent trying to get this sorted out and I am disappointed this has went on for so long.

We can pick up and give you a hand from here.  I have sent you a private message with instructions on how you can send us over your details and we'll look into this for you. See: Private messages



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Message 3 of 5

Re: Home Essentials - still not activated after 3.5 months

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Hi Robbie - thanks for taking the time to respond.  I've just sent a private message, as requested.


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Message 4 of 5

Re: Home Essentials - still not activated after 3.5 months

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Thanks for sending over the details and for speaking with me today @wizziest_ocean .

I'm sure I can sort this out. Leave it with me and I'll be in touch on Monday.



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Message 5 of 5

Re: Home Essentials - still not activated after 3.5 months

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Hi @wizziest_ocean ,

I'm sorry it took a while to get this sotred but we got there in the end. We're here to help if there are any other issues, just let us know.

All the best


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